is one of the most powerful forces to have shapedthepostwar world according to Nye, Joseph and Donahue, John (2000).
The two major drivers of economic globalization 1. reduced costs to transportation and communication in the private sector
2. reducedpolicybarriers to trade and investment on the part of the public sector.
Szentes (2003) an economist, defines economic globalization as a process making the world economy an “organic system” by extending transnational economic processes and economic relations to more and more countries and by deepening the economic interdependence among them.
Elements of States
A group of people who have strong emotional, cultural, and historical ties living within boundaries of one or several linguistic and religious backgrounds
Napoleon created the Napoleonic Code to protect people's rights and to establish himself as a strong leader
Institutions that govern international relations
United Nations
Stateless Nation: The Rohingyas
Nation-State characteristics
Coercive authority over specific territories
Independent political communities with governments
An imagined community
Peace of Westphalia (1618-1648) established the notion of state as sovereign
Napoleonic Code of the French Empire forbade birth privileges, promoted freedom of religion, and established meritocracy in government
Differentiate internationalism from globalism
The 1804 Napoleonic Code influenced civil law codes across the world, recognizing civil liberty, equality before the law, and the secular character of the state
Identify the difference between State and the nation
A community of persons permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government to which the people render obedience, enjoying freedom from external control
Elements of States
People, Territory, Government, Sovereignty
Stateless Nation: The Catalan
Identify the challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century
Napoleon created the NATION-STATE because he was looking for a way to be a strong leader
Scholars like Apparudai and Ohmae claimed that globalization has supplanted the states
But it has not
A supranational union is a type of multinational political union where negotiated power is delegated to an authority by governments of member states
Globalism seeks to describe and explain more than a world which is characterized by a network of connections that span multi-continental distance
Globalism seeks to understand all the interconnections of the modern world and to highlight patterns that underlie them
IGOs were established to facilitate international connections
Seen as imposing a forced choice upon states either they conform to the neo-liberal ideas free-market principles of deregulation, privatization and free trade or run the risk of being left behind
Establishment of economic and
The growth of international law and universal principles
The rise of transnational activism
Creation a new communication network
Globalization has not supplanted the states
Globalization refers to the increase or decline of the degree of globalism
States are accountable to a host of international norms and standards, find themselves in subordinate positions to protect their economy and face a new kind of pressures of supranational integration and focus of local fragmentation (Schattle, 2014)
Coercive authority over specific territories (Max Weber)
Independent political communities with governments (Hedley Bull)
An imagined political community (Benedict Anderson)
Globalization refers to the dynamic shrinking of world-space and world-time
Their aim is to bind nation-states and to create strong economic, political, cultural, educational, and technical relationships
The United Nations
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Globalization seeks to know the basic network
Globalism focuses on the forces, dynamism, and the speed of changes