Set A Mock Exam

Cards (19)

  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Hensen's node
    B: What is the opening of "A"?: Primitive pit
    C. What is the homologue of "A" in amphibians?: Dorsal Blastopore Lip
    D: Name one (1) morphogenetic movement in this stage: invagination or delamination or involution or epiboly
  • A: Give the closest age-approximation of the specimen: 24 hours
    B: Identify the structure being pointed: Somite
    C: What structure gives rise to "B"?: Segmental Plate Mesoderm
    D: The spaces between "B" are supplied by which blood vessels?: Intersegmental Artery
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Primitive groove
    B: The thickened structures lateral to "A" are called __: Primitive folds
    C: What structure refers to the point where cells ingress to form the endoderm, creating a pit-like structure?: Primitive pit
    D. True/False: As the embryo develops, the number of somites increases.: True
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Area pellucida
    B: The darker region lateral to "A" is referred to as __: Area opaca
    C: The difference in the coloration of "A" and "B" is due to the variation of which factor?: Cell density
    D: True/False: The cloaca is the site where fertilization of the egg by sperm typically occurs in a chick: False
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Optic vesicle
    B: What is the name of the opening that can be found anterior of "A"?: Cranial neuropore
    C: The blood islands in this image are found in which region?: Area vasculosa
    D: What structure in a chick embryo will give rise to the urinary system?: Intermediate mesoderm
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Ventricle or heart
    B: What is the function of "A"?: Supply and pump blood to the body
    C: The network of blood vessels surrounding the embryo are referred to as __: Vitelline Veins / Artery / Blood Vessels
    D: Give the closest age-approximation of the specimen: 48 hours
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Otic Vesicle
    B: The brain region closest to "A" is _: Myelencephalon
    C: What ganglion is situated closest to "A"?: Acousto-Facialis ganglion
    D: True/False: Isthmus separates the mesencephalon and diencephalon: False
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Allantois
    B: Give one (1) function of "A": Gas exchange and waste storage
    C: "A" is derived from which structure?: Hindgut
    D: The blood islands are located in which embryonic region?: Area vasculosa
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Foregut
    B: Identify the structure below "A": Oral membrane
    C: "A" is derived from which germ layer?: Endoderm
    D: True/False: The blastodisc serves as a nutrient reserve for the developing embryo: False
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Head mesenchyme
    B: Identify the dark-ring like structure found at the center of the image: Neural tube
    C: The cavity of "B" is called _: Neurocoel
    D: Birds produce eggs with a large amount of yolk. This type of egg is referred to as _: Telolecithal
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed (yellow bracket): Somatopleure
    B-C: "A" is made up of which two structures: Somatic mesoderm and Ectoderm
    D: The chick embryo undergoes a partial cleavage of the egg, which means cell division only occur in a portion of the egg. This type of cleavage is referred to as _: Meroblastic
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed (yellow bracket): Splanchnopleure
    B-C: "A" is made up of which two structures: Splanchnic mesoderm and Endoderm
    D: True/False: The blastoderm is a single-layered disc of cells on the egg yolk surface: False
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Hensen's node
    B: Identify the depression located above "A": Primitive groove
    C: Identify the elevated regions lateral of "B": Primitive fold
    D: The main characteristic of avian gastrulation is the formation of which structure?: Primitive streak
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Infundibulum
    B: What brain vesicle is observed in the specimen?: Prosencephalon
    C: "A" will give rise to which adult chicken structure?: Pituitary gland
    D: What morphogenetic movement involves the unfolding of cell sheet into the embryo?: Invagination
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Stomodeum
    B: What brain vesicle is observed in the specimen?: Mesencephalon
    C: "A" will give rise to which adult chicken structure?: Mouth / Oral cavity
    D: Which morphogenetic movement involves the movement of cells from the epiblast to the primitive streak during gastrulation?: Ingression
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Notochord
    B: Identify the structure traversed by the arrow: Foregut
    C: "A" is derived from which germ layer?: Mesoderm
    D: True/False: The neural tube is formed from the mesoderm layer: False
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Heart / Ventricle
    B: What is the brain vesicle observed in the specimen?: Rhombencephalon
    C: The cavity surrounding "A" is referred to as the __: Pericardial cavity
    D: What is the term for the stage of chick embryo development when the primitive streak forms: Gastrulation
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed by the black arrow: Endocardium
    B: Identify the structure being pointed by the white arrow: Epimyocardium
    C: "A" and "B" make up which chick embryo structure?: Heart / Ventricle
    D: What structure gives rise to the somites?: Segmental Plate Mesoderm
  • A: Identify the structure being pointed: Semilunar ganglion
    B: "A" is usually associated with which sensory vesicle?: Otic vesicle
    C: Give one (1) flexure observed in the specimen: Cranial / Cervical / Pontine Flexure
    D: At what stage is the fertilized egg when it is laid?: Blastulation