Christian cosmology - inconsistent due to evolving beliefs of various authors
Rigveda - a Hindu text about cosmology; describes universe as oscillating universe
RIgveda started as Brahmanda (cosmic egg), collapsed into Bindu (concentrated point)
Anaxagoras - everything came from Primordial universe (mixture of fragments into separation and formation of present objects)
Leucippus and Democritus - everything is made of indestructible particles atomos (tiny building blocks); Atomic universe
Aristotle and Ptolemy - geocentrism (Aristotelian universe); early solar system model
Nicolaus Copernicus - heliocentrism to counter geocentrism; from Aristarchus of Samos (copernican universe)
Isaac Newton - universe is a steady-state universe, it is gravitationally balanced but unstable (static/newtonian universe)
Rene Descartes - notes Newton's model is not completely empty, but it is filled with matter (cartesian vortex universe)
Big Bang - belgian priest Georges Lemaitre; widely accepted theory
Georges Lemaitre - discovery of cosmic microwave background and study of galactic redshifting
Oscillating universe - Albert einstein; universe exapnds and collapses cyclically. Big Bang = expansion state; Big crunch = collapse
Steady-state universe - everything is constant despite the expansion, new matter is added to universe to retain density.
Inflating Universe - AlanGuth; based on big bang; introduces a short early period of exponential cosmic inflation
Multiverse model - AndreLinde, the universe is one bubble in an interconnected multiverse
Abrahamic universe - john philoponus of alexandria; universe is finite in timee
Partially Heliocentric universe - SomayajiNilakantna; geocentric, rest of planets orbit the sun, sun orbits earth
Nebular Hypothesis - Immanuel Kant and pierre-Simon Laplace; solar system is made up of a dense nebula (collapsed gases due to gravity and spiral movement)
Encounter hypothesis - sun encountered hypervelocity rogue star, ripping off materials from each other
Planetesimal Theory - Thomas Chowder-Chamberlain and Forest Ray Moulton; Viktor safronor (original). Collision of a star and protosun into thin disks from the spin of the nebula; disks from sun - planetesimals
Dust Cloud Theory - Harold Urey and Carl Von Weizacken; came from a protosun (nebula) made of He and H. Rotation due to charges, causing heavy materials to stay, which later on become planets.
Protoplanet Hypothesis - Gerard Kuiper; Nebula served as protosun that came from interstellar cloud composed of light elements. Accretion of materials = protoplanets. accretion of protoplanets = jovian and terrestrial planets
Edwin Hubble - first suggested Big Bang Theory 1920s
Thomas Digger - infinite position of the stars
Giordano - solar system is not just the center of the universe