1.2 Partnerschaft und Ehe

Cards (62)

  • Arbeitsaufteilung
    Division of labor in a relationship or family
  • Ehe
    Marriage between two people
  • Ehe auflösen
    To dissolve a marriage
  • Beziehung
    Relationship between two people
  • Befragte
    Person being interviewed or surveyed
  • Berufsleben
    Professional life or career
  • Beziehungsfähig
    Capable of being in a relationship
  • Brotverdiener
    Breadwinner, the person who earns the income for the family
  • Egoistisch
    Selfish, concerned primarily with one's own interests
  • Ehrgeizig
    Ambitious, having a strong desire to succeed
  • Eigenschaften
    Characteristics or qualities
  • Familie gründen
    To start a family
  • Eingetragene Partnerschaft

    Registered partnership, a legal recognition of a committed relationship
  • Einpersonenhaushalt
    Single-person household
  • Ergänzen
    To complement or complete each other
  • Erstrebenswert
    Desirable, worth pursuing
  • Erwerbstätigkeit
    Employment, the act of working for a living
  • Finanziell unabhängig
    Financially independent
  • Geborgenes Zuhause

    Safe and secure home
  • Geburtenrate
    Birth rate, the number of births per 1,000 people in a population
  • Gegenseitig
    Mutual, reciprocal
  • Gemeinsame Interessen

    Shared interests
  • Geschieden
    Divorced, no longer married
  • Geschlechterrolle
    Gender role, societal expectations of behavior based on gender
  • Getrennt leben
    To live apart or separately
  • Gleichberechtigung
    Equal rights and opportunities
  • Hals über Kopf verliebt sein
    To be head over heels in love
  • Hinterfragen
    To question or doubt
  • Individualisierung
    Individualization, the process of becoming more independent and self-reliant
  • Interessen teilen
    To share interests
  • Kinderlos
    Childless, without children
  • Lebensgefährte
    Life partner, a person with whom one shares a romantic relationship
  • Mutter-/Vaterschaftsurlaub
    Maternity/paternity leave, time off from work to care for a newborn
  • Nichtehelich
    Non-marital, not legally married
  • Online-Partnerbörse
    Online dating platform
  • Paarungswütig
    Eager to find a partner or mate
  • Pluralisierung
    Pluralization, the increase in diverse family forms
  • Profil
    Profile, a description or representation of oneself
  • Rollenverständnis
    Understanding of gender roles
  • Scheidung
    Divorce, the legal termination of a marriage