Changing Places

Cards (41)

  • Accessibility
    How easy it is to travel to a place or interact with an individual
  • Attachment
    A sense of binding to a particular location due to positive and intense experiences
  • Built Environment
    The buildings and infrastructure within an urban area
  • Capital
    Productive assets, goods or financial stakes
  • Commuter
    An individual who regularly travels a distance between their residence and their employment
  • Cultural Enrichment
    The addition of ideas, traditions and beliefs due to the arrival of new people
  • Culture
    The way of life of a particular group of people at a particular time, generally customs and beliefs
  • Demographic
    The characteristics of a population
  • Deprivation
    Individuals lack basic services or objects they would expect to have in the 21st century
  • Diversity
    Variation within the a population, in their characteristics , background and behaviour
  • Endogenous Factor
    Factors based on local characteristics or perspective originating from inside the place
  • Ethnicity
    The cultural background of a group of people, often based on religion or country of origin
  • Ethnic Clustering

    Residential areas with similar cultures, ethnicity or religions. This may be to avoid isolation or to live locally to special services and facilities
  • Exogenous Factors
    Factors based on characteristics or perspective originating from outside the place, commonly referred to as flows
  • Experienced Places

    Locations a person has visited in their lifetime
  • Far Places
    Places that feel distant , physically or emotionally
  • Genius Loci
    The 'spirit' of a place, based on its history, culture and daily atmosphere
  • Gentrification
    Renovation of older/deteriorating buildings or areas with the aim of attracting high-income individuals or elite businesses to a place
  • Governance
    The management of a place or group of people
  • Idyll
    A location with ideal living conditions and good qualities. Often based on perception
  • Inequality
    Differences in income, well-being and wealth between individuals, communities and society
  • Insiders
    People who feel like they are 'part of' a place, they feel included within the place and have a strong connection to it
  • Internal Migration
    The movement of people within a country
  • International Migration
    The movement of people from one country to another
  • Life Expectancy
    The average number of years an individual is likely to live, determined at birth
  • Lived Experience
    The contribution of experiences and opportunities to an individual's views and values
  • Locales
    Locations of different daily activities
  • Media
    The publishing of information and production of entertainment
  • Media Places
    Places an individual hasn't visited but has a reputation based from media representation
  • Multicultural
    The existence, acceptance or promotion of multiple cultural traditions within a single geographical area
  • Near Places
    Places that feel close, physically or emotionally
  • Outsiders
    People who feel like they are not 'part of' a place, they feel isolated and may not have a strong connection to the place
  • Perception
    A person's view of a place or issue based on feelings, experience and outside forces such as the media
  • Placelessness
    Places that lack unique character or reputation, due to chain stores replacing local independent shops or a lack of attachment experienced by people visiting the location
  • Population density
    The number of people per square kilometre
  • Rebranding
    Creating a new look or reputation for an area
  • Segregation
    The separation of a group from other groups this can be through force or voluntarily. Segregation can often occur due to housing strategies or regeneration projects
  • Social Clustering
    Groups of people with similar background frequently live together
  • Social Exclusion
    The inability of a group of people to become involved in the cultural activities of a place
  • 'The Other'
    People of different background or identity to an individual