
Cards (10)

  • India’s second-largest city with a population of 20 million
  • in 1970, only 6 million people
  • has one of the lowest sex ratio in the world 77 females: 100 males
  • until 1970s economy based in textile industry and sea port.
    Today includes IT services, healthcare, research, entertainment, e.g. Bollywood and financial services.
  • The ushering and outsourcing of back office, functions by TNCs has brought many jobs since the 2000
  • City is multicultural with five main languages. English is main language in 1/4 of schools, universities, and spoken by the cities elite.
    70% of the population are Hindus and 20% Muslims
    Huge inequalities in income, with 50% of residents living in slums, and yet Mumbai ranked eighth in Forbes top 10 cities for billionaires with 18 billionaires.
  • growth is from lots of migration (rural – urban) had around 1 million people in the last 10 years.
    Push: lack of jobs, low wages, poor health, care, natural hazards, not enough educational opportunities
    Pull: better quality of life, better employment, opportunities, high wages, GDP per capita, $3000, which is 3 times national average. Bollywood, film industry – “bright lights of the city”
  • growth also due to natural increase as higher rate mean more birth and death, have younger population
  • Davi is the largest slum in India. Originally official village located in central Mumbai between the two main suburban Railway lines.
    Home to 1,000,000 people
    Made famous by the 2008 movie Slumdog millionaire
  • Mumbai has poor housing quality with shanty town housing
    Made by the people who sells with anything they can