Chapter 1: The origins of the Civil War, 1820-61

Cards (21)

  • Mason-Dixon Line: separated Pennsylvania and Maryland, north and south, Maryland and Delaware, west and east. Became the symbolic dividing line between free and slave states
  • Secession: leaving an organization or federation
  • Territory: areas under the rule of Washington DC before they became states
  • Proviso: a limitation to be imposed on another item
  • Gross Domestic Product: annual value of a country's products and services
  • Convention: a special group of voters called for an extraordinary reason
  • Party Convention: a decision-making rally or large meeting of the members of a political party, often part of the process of selecting candidates
  • Unorganized Lands: areas of the country where no governmental structures had been formally agreed. Thinly populated
  • Freeport Doctrine: the idea that slavery could be banned by a series of local decisions rather a central federal decision to do so.
  • Ticket: 2 or more politicians who run for office together.
  • Political Processes: the formulation and administration of public policy usually by interaction between social groups and political institutions
  • Upper South: the most northerly Southern states, adjacent to the Mason-Dixon line
  • Factors the contributed to the settlement of the west:
    • Manifest Destiny
    • Gold discovered in California
    • Homestead Act of 1862
    • Transcontinental railroad
    • the American Dream
  • Manifest Destiny: belief that it was America's mission to expand from ocean to ocean, spreading democracy and freedom.
    Americans believe it was their God-given duty to conquer the Western territories and unify the nation
  • Territorial Expansion of the U.S.
    • 1803 Louisiana Purchase
    • 1845 Texas
    • 1848 Mexican-American War: Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, California, Nevada, and Utah
    • 1850 Oregon territory
  • Oregon Trail: the only way West by land, 2170 mile route
  • 1862 Homestead Act: millions of acres were given away free in the West to anyone that would claim land and live on it for 5 years, signed by Lincoln
    • encouraged settlement of the west
  • Missouri Compromise of 1820 - Since Maine is free, Missouri should be a slave state. Anything north of Missouri is free and anything south is slave
  • Compromise of 1850: permitted slavery in Washington D.C., but outlawed the slave trade, added California to the Union as a free state
  • Fugitive Slave Act of 1850: required citizens to assist in apprehending runaway slaves and denied enslaved people a right to trail by jury
  • in 1857, Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott Decision that African Americans didn't have legal citizenship rights.