English vocab

Cards (70)

  • Aspire
    (v) to seek to attain or accomplish a specific goal; to aim for
  • pristine
    (adj) immaculately clean and unused; in perfect condition; completely free from dirt and contamination
  • blunder
    (n) an embarrassing mistake or faux pas
    (v) to make an embarrassing faux pas or mistake
  • benevolent
    (adj) marked by or disposed to doing good; showing kindness
  • mellifluous
    (adj) pleasing to the ear; melodic
  • verity
    (n) the quality or state of being real or truthful; factuality
  • milieu
    (N) the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops
  • dearth
    (N) a scarcity of; lack of something; a shortage
  • etiquette
    (N) rules governing socially acceptable behavior; code of polite conduct
  • emulate
    (V) to copy or imitate
  • ensconce
    (V) to settle in; to lodge comfortably and securely
  • Willy-nilly
    (ADJ) in a random or haphazard manner
  • assuage
    (V) to lessen the intensity of something that pains or distresses; to ease
  • lithe
    (adj) to bend easily; limber
  • quotidian
    (ADJ) growing, expanding, or developing rapidly
  • Burgeoning
    (ADJ) growing, expanding, or developing rapidly
  • pastoral
    (ADJ) of or relating to the countryside; not urban
  • gallant
    (adj)brave; heroic
  • arduous
    • hard to accomplish or achieve: difficult
    • marked by great labor or effort; strenuous
  • Mirth (n.): a joyful feeling's great merriment; glee
  • Blight (n.):
    • Refers to any disease that makes plants dry up and die
    • Urban blight refers to the deterioration of a part of a city
  • Plight (n): a situation that's hard to get out of; a predicament
  • Blithe (adj): happy and carefree; cheerful; light-hearted
    • Believed to cause harm or damage like disease
  • Deft (adj): characterized by skill or aptitude; masterful
  • Apparition (n.): the appearance of a ghostlike figure, something only existing in perception
  • Pragmatic (adj): concerned with practical matters
  • Fetter: (v) to restrain with shackles (n) a chain or rope that is used to tie up or confine someone
  • Word #29: ruminate (v.) - to reflect deeply on a subject; to ponder
  • Word #28: finagle - to obtain something by indirect or involved measure; to obtain by trickery
  • Word #30: proximity (n.) - nearness or closeness
  • Word #31: jaunty (adj.) - lively in manner or appearance; having or suggesting a lively and confident quality
  • Word #32: defunct (adj.) - no longer functioning
  • Word #33: tchotchke (n.) - a knick-knack; an inexpensive trinket
  • Word #34: cornucopia (n.) - an abundance; a horn of plenty
  • Word #35: anemic (adj.) - lacking vigor or energy; weak
  • Word #36: privy (adj.) - participating in the knowledge of something private or secret
  • Word #37: denizen (n.): a person who lives or can be found in a particular place; inhabitant
  • Word #38: feign (v.): to pretend or assert as if true; to dissemble
  • Word #10: supercilious (adj.): arrogant; haughty
  • Word #39: scorn (n.): a lack of respect accompanied by dislike, disdain
    (v.) to look down on with disdain