Local communities are dependent on nature areas for food, air and water.
how are local communities dependent on nature areas?
provides essentials like air food and water
Nature areas are dependent on local communites as communities conserves and cultivates nature areas.
nature areas mutually affect local communites by the providing presence of green spaces and urban wildlife which enhances physical and mental wellbeing.
Local communites mutually affects nature areas by enhancing their biodiversity through reforestation.
reforestation can allow local communites to gain enjoyment and enhance mental wellbeing.
nature areas benefit local communities by lowering air temperature by the presence of vegetation.
nature areas benefit local communities by removing pollutants from the air
during photosynthesis, plants absorb CO2 and releases O2.
in plants, small particles are intercepted by leaves and are washed to the ground when it rains.
vegetation provides shade and cools the air through evapotranspiration.
communities can also enjoy nature areas in a sustainable manner without causing irreversible damage.
reforestation also creates more shelter and habitat for urban wildlife.
local communities are dependent on nature areas on the spaces for recreational and leisure activities which helps people maintain physical and mental wellbeing.
wetland plants absorb excess nitrates and phosphates which prevents algae growth and improve water quality.
Direct and frequent interaction with nature benefits health and wellbeing.
Direct and frequent interaction with nature reduces the severity and occurrence of health conditions.
local communities raise awareness about nature by encouraging positive behavior that does not damage nature.
local communities can organize or participate in conservation efforts like clean up programes to remove pollutants.
local communites can harm nature areas by causing soil compaction and damage vegetation when they hike on undesignated trails
littering can cause animals to get injured or entangled with them
animals might mistaken litter as food and consume it, leading to their death.
feeding wild animals change their habits and behaviors and human-wildlife encounters will also increase since animals will associate people with food.
due to urban expansion, natural habitats shrink and animals may venture out of nature into the city to find food or shelter.
as local communities spend more time in nature, there will be a increase of human-wildlife encounter
local communities might unintentionally provoke animals and leading them to attack.
some animals might be confused and fearful because of the unfamiliar urban space which increases likelihood of attacks
protection of nature may be perceived that it was done at the expense of communities' needs, this could bring inconvenience, damage property and homes being aquired
sense of place is developed when people associate meanings and memories with locations
sense of place reflects relationship people have with the places around them and is a special meaning for people
sense of place is highly personal and subjective, one location may hold different meanings for different people
sense of place is acquired by repeated encounters (sense of familiarity) with objects and people (interactions)
sense of place is aquired by significant or memorable events (sense of home / belonging). this could be a unique feature with a special meaning that causes a sense of home/belonging.
sense of place is represented by media like NDP songs
representation of sense of place may enhance or contradict and individuals sense of place
regions are areas with similar physical and/or human characteristics and it may vary in size.
regions can be classified to environmental characteristics (nature, built-up areas), human characteristics(commercial, residential) and geographical location(NSEW)
spatial patterns are non-random arrangements that can be recognized as clutters, geometry or intervals. There is often a reason why particular things are located in particular spaces.
spatial associations is the tendency to pair services and events located near each other. eg bus stops near HDB flats.
spatial scales is global, regional, national and local