Type of contrast media that cannot be absorbed by the body and is powder form: Barium
Contrast media that can be water soluble and oil based Iodinated
Contrast media that reduces adverse reaction: Ionic/non-ionic
contrast media that is a concentration for patient risk reaction osmolarity
5% experience some reaction to CM and 5% experience severe life threatening reactions
Pre examination Instruction: Bowelprep and Fasting
Post examination instruction: increasefluidintake and nopropercare leads to barium retain
retaining barium leads to: Fecal impaction or intestinal obstruction
most hazardous route of drug administration: intravenous Injection
Equipments for administrating CM: Enema kit, needle, Iv injection
Surgical Asepsis is using a sterile technique where there is absence of bacteria
Aseptic technique is a sterile technique that prevents nosocomial infection
should be taken before and after drug administration: BP and pulse rate
2 adverse reactions to injectible agents: Local extraversion and systemic shock
Extraversion is escape of CM to interstitial tissues
Routes for administering CM: IV (Bolus or infusion) and rectal
Indication is the reason to use a procedure or medication
Contraindication is the reason to not receive a procedure or medication
Shock is the failure of circulation and blood pressure is inadequate to support oxygen infusion. It is also the inability to remove by-products of metabolism
Type of shock that decreases body fluids and blood volume: hypovolemicshock
Type of shock that is caused by allergic reaction: Anaphylaxis
Type of shock that is caused by inadequate pumping of blood and can lead to cardiac arrest: Cardiogenic
Type of shock that is caused by the damage in the nerve by a spinal cord injury: Neurogenic
A type of response to shock with the condition having nausea, sneezing, hives, itching, vasovagalresponse, etc. : Mild reaction
Type of response to shock with the condition having tachycardia, excessivehives, gianthives, and excessivevomiting: Moderate reaction
Type of response to shock with the condition having a lowbloodpressure, cardiacarrest, cyanosis, profoundshock, unconsciousness, laryngealedema and difficulty in breathing: Severe reaction
Appropriate response to mildreaction to shock: monitor and comfort patient, provide warm towel, emesis basin, if vomited roll patient to side, and document patient reaction
Appropriate response to moderatereaction to shock: call medical assistance, prepare antihistamine administration, monitor and comfort patient, and document patient reaction
Appropriate response to severereaction to shock: call immediate assistance, prepare antihistamine, remove physical items, assist in CPR
CPR check for: circulation, airway, and breathing
Identify the external heart anatomy
Creatinine results indicates the suitability of the kidney to filter medication
Republicact7431 is an act of regulating the practice of radtech in Philippines and creating the board of radtech. It is also known as: Radiologic technology act of 1992
Sec. 5.Practice of Radiologic Technology. Renders to furnish professional service as RT and the nature and character requires professional knowledge.
SEC. 3.DOT: RT is a bona fide holder of a certificate of registration for Radtech
SEC. 18.Examination Required: all applicants shall be required to undergo an examination given once a year by the board
SEC. 19. Qualifications for Examination: Filipino Citizen, good moral character with no convicted crime involving moral turpitude, and baccalaureatedegree for radtechexam while radtechdiploma for x-raytechexam
SEC. 24.IssuanceofCertificatesofregistration: applicant who passed the exam will be issued a certificate of registration
CHEDMemorandumorder18seriesof2006: revised curricular standards for radtech educ
Article VcurriculumSec.6. : higher educ institutions exercise flexibility in curricular offering and minimum number of units should be 190units for radtech degree