
Cards (48)

  • Wave is the disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another in a regular or organized way
  • Ways of transferring energy from one place to another
    regular and organized way
  • Oscillation is the regular and periodic movement of molecules
  • Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves with no medium required for transmission.
  • Transverse wave has oscillations perpendicular to direction of travel
  • Waves transport energy not matter
  • Mechanical waves are waves that transfer energy through matter or medium
  • Two types of mechanical waves

    transverse wave and longitudinal wave
  • Transverse waves are which the medium vibrates at right angles to the direction that the wave travels
  • Longitudinal Wave in which the medium vibrates in the same direction that the wave travels
  • One complete cycle is composed of a crest and a trough
  • Period is the time it took to generate one complete wave
  • Frequency is the number of complete waves generated in a given amount of time
  • Amplitude is the height of a wave
  • It is a simple disturbance
    wave pulse
  • It is the continuous disturbances.
    wave train
  • it has no ending or non-stop
  • Mechanical waves only travel in matter and is incapable of traveling in vacuum
  • sound is the form of energy produced by the vibrations of molecules
  • sound is a longitudinal wave
  • compression is a region in longitudinal waves where the particles are closest together and they are the region with high pressure
  • rarefaction is a region in a longitudinal wave where the particles are further apart and they are the regions with low pressure
  • the compression corresponds with the crest of the wave
  • the rarefaction corresponds with the trough of the wave
  • audible sound is the sound within the range of sensitivity of the human ear
  • infrasound has a frequency below 20Hz
  • audible sound has a frequency of 20Hz to 20,000Hz
  • infrasound is too low for the human ear to hear
  • ultrasound has the frequency above 20,000Hz
  • ultrasound has the frequency too high for the human ear
  • pitch describes the highness or lowness of a sound
  • loudness refers to how loud or soft a sound seems to a listener and it is measured in decibels (dB)
  • light is both a wave and a particle
  • light is a type of transverse wave, and is an electromagnetic wave that does not need a medium in order to travel from one location to another
  • light's constant speed is 3.0 x 10^8 m/s
  • waves are released from vibrating charged particle
  • characteristics of light
    color and brightness or intensity
  • luminous objects emit their own light
  • non-luminous objects cannot emit their own light they are also called "illuminated objects"
  • candela (cd) is used to measure the intensity of the light source