Kinesics: facial expressions, gestures, eye movement, posture, rate of walk
Paralinguistics: variations in the voice
Proxemics: use of space and distance
Haptics: different types of touching
Clothing & Artifacts: appearance and style
Color: variations in clothing and environmental colors
Chronemics: using time to communicate
Multimodal Literacy focuses on understanding different ways of knowledge, representations, and meaning-making by investigating semiotic resources like language, gesture, and images co-deployed across various modalities
A multimodal text combines two or more modes to express meaning, such as a poster combining written text with still images and spatial design
In multimodal texts, "mode" refers to the type of communication used, like spatial, linguistic, visual, gestural, or aural
Media refers to the means through which a text reaches its audience, incorporating several modes, like a song having words and audio, or a video including gestures and spatial arrangement
Affordances are the unique features of a selected media that a creator can use when creating in that medium, like hyperlinks and visual images in a website, or time and movement in a video
Genres are divisions of media based on anticipated audiences, each with a set of conventions, like the genre of a newspaper comic strip having a series of three frames with a punch line in the final frame
The rhetorical situation considers the specific time, location, and audience for which each multimodal work was written, taking into account decisions based on the author, genre, audience, and context
The author of a multimodal work is the creator, but in some cases, like advertisements, the author may be unknown, and the implied author can be considered as the company authorizing the advertisement
How words are spoken, variations in the voice
How space and distance are used
Facial expressions, gestures, eye movement, posture, rate of walk