Primary socialisation is learning our first language and basic skills such as walking and talking
Socialisation is how we acquire culture through social interactionwith others
Culture is the shared beliefs, values, norms and behaviours that are passed downfromgeneration to generation
Culture is the learned, shared behavior of members of society
Norms are guides to appropriate behavior for particular people in specific situations
Values are beliefs about what is important, worthwhile, right, or wrong
Social solidarity refers to social unity, cohesion, and sticking together
Status is a position in society, while role is a set of norms defining appropriate behavior for a particular status
Socialization is the process by which culture is learned
Primary socialization is the earliest and likely most crucial part of socialization
Secondary socialization is the socialization received later in life
A peer group is a group where members share similar circumstances
Social control ensures that people's behavior aligns with society's norms and values
Social control methods include positive and negative sanctions, from approval and disapproval to physical violence
Religion is a major instrument of social control in many societies, encouraging conformity to accepted behaviors with the promise of rewards or threats of punishment