
Cards (100)

  • Inability to focus and attention being drawn to irrelevant stimuli is known as distractibility
  • Excessive attention on all internal and external stimuli is referred to as hypervigilance
  • Inability to describe or be aware of emotions or moods is called alexithymia
  • Craving for and eating non-food substances is a condition known as pica
  • Pathological irritation of movements of one person by another is termed echopraxia
  • Restlessness, pacing, repeated sitting and standing due to antipsychotic medication is known as akathisia, also called restless leg syndrome
  • A false belief, based on incorrect inference about external reality, is a delusion
  • A belief that one’s thoughts can be heard by others is referred to as thought broadcasting
  • Unconscious filling in gaps in memory by untrue experiences is called confabulation
  • Understanding of objective reality, coupled with motivation and emotional impetus to change behavior or master the situation is termed true insight
  • The circumstances that led to a patient’s behavioral change are recorded under history of present illness
  • An initial impression as the patient’s insight is known as chief complaint
  • Psychosocial events that precipitated the patient’s illness can be deduced through anamnesis
  • Genetic predisposition of the patient to any physical or psychiatric condition can be inferred from the family medical history
  • A person’s ability to fulfill physical and psychosocial developmental tasks is assessed through personal and social history
  • Pieces of data like (-) nausea, vomiting; (-) dizziness are recorded under review of systems
  • Data about the patient's birth circumstances, like being born to an 18-year-old single mother of an unplanned pregnancy, should be recorded under personal and social history
  • Information about a patient's sleepless nights and crying over her mother's death during pregnancy should be recorded under history of present illness
  • Data like “72-year-old, widow, Catholic, from Pampanga” is part of identifying data
  • The ability of a patient to manage expression of sexual fantasies is assessed through impulse control
  • The congruence of a patient's facial expression to the emotional content of their statements is evaluated under mood and affect
  • The accuracy of a patient's details of historical data is assessed through reliability
  • Assessing if a patient is dysphoric falls under mood and affect
  • Evaluating if a patient can sustain focus on the task at hand is part of assessing sensorium
  • Food rich in the amino acid tryptophan should be avoided when on treatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitor
  • The tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic pathway is associated with hyperprolactinemia
  • Clozapine is often reserved for treatment-resistant schizophrenia due to the risk of agranulocytosis
  • The drug of choice to manage neuroleptic malignant syndrome is bromocriptine
  • An acute adverse reaction characterized by muscular torsion in young males given neuroleptics is dystonia
  • The therapeutic effects of typical antipsychotics are predominantly due to blockade of dopaminergic receptors
  • Flumazenil is administered to reverse benzodiazepine overdose and oversedation
  • Psychosocial processing after the eruption of a volcano is an example of secondary prevention
  • Identifying and preventing depressive disorders in a COVID-19 patient is an example of secondary prevention
  • Active friendliness is employed when the patient is shy
  • The matter-of-fact approach is best applied to manipulative patients
  • The Philippines Mental Health Act is also known as RA11036, passed on June 21, 2018
  • Memantine influences the progression of dementia by protecting neurons from excessive amounts of glutamate
  • Misuse refers to the use of a drug, usually self-administered, that deviates from a social or medical pattern
  • The Dopaminergic theory of psychosis attributes symptoms like hyperactivity of the ventromedial mesocortical pathway to certain conditions
  • DSM-5 Criterion A of Schizophrenia includes disorganized speech and inappropriate affect