
Cards (15)

  • Socialization
    Interactive process through which people learn Basic Skills, Values, Beliefs, and Behavior patterns of a society
  • A Healthy Ecology
    • FAMILY – Bounded to caregivers. Positive Discipline
    • SCHOOL – Supportive teachers. Academic Success
    • Peers – Peer Acceptance. Pro-social Values
  • Human infants begin to recognize themselves in the mirror when they are about two years old
  • Family Constellation
    Consisted of parents, children, and any extended family members, Birth order influences a person's lifestyle choices
  • Charles Horton Cooley: '“I am not what I think I am, I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am.”'
  • Three stages of development of the self
    1. Preparatory Stage (birth-about age 2)
    2. The Play Stage (from about age 2 to 6)
    3. The Game Stage (from about age 7 onwards)
  • Self-Concept
    Sum total of beliefs we each have about ourselves
  • A High-Risk Ecology
    • FAMILYInsecure bond. Inconsistent Discipline
    • SCHOOLConflict with teachers. Academic Failure
    • Peers – Peer Conflict. Antisocial Values
  • George Mead
    • An American philosopher, sociologist, and psychologist, Central concept is the self, Developed with social experience
  • Social relationships
    • Define our self, How we think of ourselves is linked to the person we are with at the moment
  • Inferiority Complex
    Excessive feelings of inferiority leading to overcompensation and unhealthy outcomes
  • Superiority Complex/Striving for Superiority
    Socially nonproductive attempt to gain personal superiority with little or no concern for others
  • People actively seek to improve themselves according to Alfred Adler
  • Striving for Success
    Motivated by social interest and the success of all humankind, Capable of helping others without expecting a personal payoff
  • Styles of Life
    • Ruling Type
    • Getting Type
    • Avoiding Type
    • Socially-Useful Type