Antonio Pigafetta: Born in 1491 in Vicenza, author of the magellan's voyage.
Translators of Magellan's Voyage: James Alexander Robertson and Henry Edward John Stanly
Treaty of Alcasovas: treaty that ends the war between Aragon and Castille meant to guide who could claim new territories throughout Atlantic Ocean.
Treaty of Tordecillas: East for portugal, West for spain
Pope Alexander II introduced Treaty of Tordecillas
Christoper Columbus: First proposal to Portugal but rejected and his proposal was supported by Queen Isabel of Castille, Discovered the spice, Indie.
Roman Empire: Paid soldier by salt
Captains of the Ships
Trinidad: Ferdinand Magellan
San Antonion: Juan De Cartahenia
Concepcion: Gaspar de Quesada
Victoria: Luis de Mendoza
Santiago: Juan Serrano
Ferdinand Magellan – captain – general (leader) of the expedition.
Antonio Pigafetta (Italian) – official chronicler of the expedition.
Raia Colambu (Raja Kulambu) – king of Mazaua (Limasawa)
Raia Siaul (Raja Siagu) – king of Butuan
• Raia Humabon – king of Zubu (Cebu)
Raia Cilapulapu and Raia Zula – chiefs (kings) of Matan (Mactan)
Zamal – three hundred leagues from the islands of Ladroni
Mazaua – (latitude) nine (degrees) and two-thirds degrees toward the Arctic Pole, (longitude) one hundred and sixtytwo degrees from the line of demarcation, and twenty-five leagues from the Acquada (HumunuHomonhon)
March 16, 1521 (dawn of Saturday): the Spanish colonizers arrived at Zamal (Samar)
March 17, 1521: their captain general desired to land at Humunu (Homonhon) and which he named, Acquada da li buoni.
March 18, 1521: they met and exchanged goods with our ancestor from the island of Zuluan.
March 25, 1521: they weight anchored and changed coursed toward west southwest.
March 28, 1521: they anchored near the island of Mazaua (Limasawa) and they met the king who came in balanghai.
March 29, 1521 (Holy Friday): they finally met the king who entered their ship.
March 31, 1521 (Easter Sunday): they went ashore to say mass and set up cross on the summit of the mountain.
April 7, 1521 (Sunday): they entered the port of Zubu (Cebu)
Monday: their notary together with their interpreter went ashore to met with the king of Zubu
Tuesday: The king of Mazaua and later the prince of Zubu went aboard their ship.
Wednesday: They consecrated the place and buried their two dead crews.
Friday: They showed our ancestors with different merchandise.
April 14, 1521 (Sunday): they baptized our ancestors from Zubu and few from neighboring islands
April 26, 1521 (Friday): Raia Zula came to seek help to fight the other chief of Matan, Cilapulapu
April 27, 1521 (Saturday): The Spaniards wave ashore in the islands of Matan and fighting commenced between them and men of Raia Cilapulapu and led to the death of Magallanes.
May 1, 1521 (Wednesday): 21 Spaniards were massacred by the Zubuanos thus forcing the remaining Spaniards to depart Zubu immediately
Seignior: Some are bit larger than his men and the finest looking man
Thanksgiving/Gratitude: Raised clasped hands and face towards the sky and then turned to others.
Friendship (casi-casi): A ritual of friendship wherein one has to shed a drop of his blood from his right arm and the other will do the same and partake each other’s blood.
Marriage: One can have many wives as they wish but one of them is the principal wife.
Trade: Our ancestor have a custom that all ships that will enter their port should pay tribute
Festivities: Our ancestor are heavy drinkers. Before the king drinks, he raises his clasped hands towards the sky and then towards the person he is drinking with and the former extends his fist of the left hand towards the latter. Sometimes they have a meal that would last for six hours.
Entertainment: Our ancestor played musical instruments like drums, metallic discs, gongs and bells. Also, our ancestors can dance.
Religion: Our ancestors don’t have formal religion but they have God which they call “Abba”