module 2 lesson 1.4

Cards (21)

  • RA 10533 Enhanced Basic Education Act includes ALS and Learners with Special needs
  • RA 10665 Open High School System Act
  • RA 9344 Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act
    • Shall known as “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006”
    • Recognizes the vital role of children and youth in nation building and promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being
    • Protect the best interest of the child through measures that will ensure the observance of international standards of child protection
    • Recognizes the right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection
    • Recognizes the right of every child alleged as, accused of, adjudged, or recognized as having infringed the penal law to be treated
    • Take into consideration the cultural and religious perspectives of the Filipino people, particularly the indigenous peoples and the Muslims
    • Apply the principles of restorative justice in all its laws, policies and programs applicable to children in conflict with the law
  • RA 7610 Special Protection Against Child Abuse and Exploitation
  • RA 8371 Indigenous People’s Right Act
    • Shall be known as “The Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997”
    • Recognize and promote all the rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs)
  • Lesson 2.5: National IP Education Policy
    • Seeks to ensure that provision of quality basic education for all IPs will lead to functional literacy
  • Education
    • Protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education
    • Maintain and support complete, adequate, and integrated system of education
    • Maintain system of free public education in elementary and high school levels
    • Maintain system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies and other incentives
    • Encourage non-formal, informal and indigenous learning system
    • Provide adult citizens, disabled and out-of-school youth with training in civics, vocational efficiency and other skills
  • Lesson 2.2: Process of Inclusion: Philippine Model
    • Partial mainstreaming towards inclusion
    • Full mainstreaming or inclusion
  • RA 9344 Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act
  • RA 9442 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons and RA 7277 Rehabilitation and Integration of Disabled Persons in Mainstream Society
    • Act Amending Republic Act No. 7277, known as “Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, and for Other Purposes”
    • Act providing for rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance of disabled person and their integration
    • Grant of the rights and privileges for disabled persons
  • PD 603 The Child and Youth Welfare Code
    • Declaration of Policy
    • Title and Scope of Code
    • Rights of the Child
  • RA 8371 Indigenous People’s Right Act
  • Lesson 2.1: Early Intervention
    • Describe the services and supports that are available to babies and young children with developmental delays and disabilities
  • Lesson 2.4: Sustaining Programs
    • Establishment Special Education Centers
    • Provision of SPED items
    • Downloading of funds
    • Conduct of training programs for teachers handling children with various disabilities
    • Conduct of training for school heads and supervisors
    • Development of instructional materials for children with disabilities
  • PD 603 The Child and Youth Welfare Code
  • RA 10533 Enhanced Basic Education Act

    • Shall be known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”
    • Establish, maintain and support complete, adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of people
  • The Philippine Constitution was written
  • RA 9442 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons and RA 7277 Rehabilitation and Integration of Disabled Persons in Mainstream Society
  • Lesson 2.3 Transition Program
    • Coordinated set of activities designed to move students from high school into adult life
    • Vocational Training
    • Independent Living Skills
    • Transportation Training
    • Community-based Training
    • Functional Academics
    • Employment/ Education
  • RA 10665 Open High School System Act

    • Shall be known as “Open High School System Act”
    • Broaden access to relevant quality education through the employment of an alternative secondary education program
  • RA 7610 Special Protection Against Child Abuse and Exploitation
    • Shall be known as “Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act”
    • Provide special protection to children form all forms of abuse, neglect, cruelty exploitation and discrimination and other conditions