Human-Computer Interaction; a multidisciplinary field of study focusing on the design of computer technology and, in particular, the interaction between humans (users) and computers.
Who is involved in HCI? The ideal designer of an interactive design would have expertise in a range of topics:
Psychology and CognitiveScience
ComputerScience and Engineering
Psychology and Cognitive Science; to give knowledge of the user's perceptual, cognitive and problem-solving skills
Ergonomics; the user’s physical capabilities;
Sociology; understand the wider context of the interaction;
ComputerScience and Engineering; o be able to build the necessary technology.
Business; be able to market the technology
Graphic Design; produce an effective interface presentation
Technical Writing; produce the manuals, etc.
'USE' words that must all be true for a product to be successful:
Useful; accomplish what is required: play music, cook dinner, format a document, etc.
Usable; do it easily and naturally, without danger of error, etc.
Used; make people want to use it, be attractive, engaging and fun.
Input-OutputChannels; In an interaction with a computer the user receives information that is output by the computer, and responds by providing input to the computer – the user’s output becomes the computer’s input and vice versa.
Vision / HumanVision; s a highly complex activity with a range of physical and perceptual limitations, yet it is the primary source of information for the average person.
The physical reception of the stimulus from the outside world
The processing and interpretation of that stimulus.