With her darlings about her [...] perfectly happy.
Mrs Reed and her family
Me dispensed from joining the group.
Jane separated from the Reed family.
My heart beat thick, my head grew hot;... I was oppressed, suffocated: endurance broke down; I uttered a wild, involuntary cry"
Red room - jane
- a black pillar!... standing erect on the rug: the grim face at the top like a carved mas,
Mr. Brocklehurst
You are deceitful
To mrs Reed
I desired liberty, for liberty I gasped; for Liberty I uttered a prayer; it seemed scattered on the wind then faintly blowing
Jane - leaving Lowood
A very chill and vault-like air pervaded the stairs and gallery; suggesting a cheerless idea of space and solitude
Women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts, as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restating, too absurd a stagnation, precisely as men would
Jane - equality
This was a demonic laugh - low, suppressed, and deep -
Bertha's laugh
I was tossed in a buoyant but unique sea, where billows of trouble rolled under surges of joy...- a sense would resist delirium; judgement would warn passion"
After burnt bed
My pulse stopped: my heart stood still... that fearful shriek
Try and keepMrRochester at a distance: distrustsyourself as well as him.
MrsFairfaxwarningJane about Rochester
Andthenyouwon'tknowme, Sir: and I shallnotbe you're JaneEyre any longer, but an ape in a harlequinn'sjacket.
He stoodbetweenme and everythought of religion, as an eclipseintervenesbetweenman and the broadsun. I couldnot, in thosedays, see God for thiscreature: of whom I had made an Idol.
Jane become infatuated with Rochester
A discolouredface, a savageface, vampire, her luridvisageflamedovermine, insensible from terror.
Description of Bertha when she tears the weddingveil.
Themaniacbellowed;... I recognizedwell that purpleface - those bloatedfeatures.
Bertha, when Janeseesher on her weddingday
I wrestled with myownresolution;... Conscience, turnedtyrant, held Passion by the throat;... With that armofiron he would thrustherdown to unsoundeddepthsofagony.
JaneleavesThornfield - battles with passion and reason.
I care for myself. The moresolitary, the more friendless the moreunsubstained I am, the more I willrespectmyself.
Some of the bestpeople that have everlivedhavebeen as destitute as I am; and if youaChristian, you ought not to considerpoverty a crime.
TellingHannah the servant not to judge
Humanaffections and sympathies have a mostpowerfulhold on you.
StJohn to Jane
I feltdegraded. I doubted I had taken a stepwhichsankinstead of raisingme in the scale of socialexistence.
Jane about being teacher
If I offered my heart, I believe you wouldacceptit. But that heart is alreadylaid on a sacredaltar: the fire is arrangedaround it.
Jane'sdescription of StJohnslove and passion.
Iamcold: nofervouraffectsme.-StJohn
WhereasIamhot, andfiredissolvesice. - Jane
When Jane becomes rich - passionateconversation
Jane to St John
"Youare formed for labour not for love" "you shall be mine, I claim you."
St John proposing, his desire for power over Jane.
Forced to keep the fore of my naturecontinuallylow. to compel it to burninwardly and neverutter a cry, though the imprisonedflameconsumedvital after vital.
Metaphor for Jane'ssuffering if she married StJohn
If I were to marry you, you would kill me. You are killing me now.
Jane about marrying StJohn.
"Jane! Jane! Jane! [...] wait for me! Oh I will come! I flew to the door and looked into the passage. It was dark. I ran into the garden: it was void."