Specialized crime

Cards (178)

  • Theft is the unlawful taking or carrying away of another's property with intent to permanently deprive.
    • On-the-Scene Interview: informal interview conducted by any law enforcement officer who first arrived at the crime scene. Purpose: To obtain information and description of the criminal, To effect arrest as rapidly as possible
    • Formal Interview: Interview conducted by the assigned investigator-on-case. FIELD INQUIRY: general questioning of all persons at the crime scene conducted by the investigator
    • INFORMATION: knowledge or facts that the investigator had gathered from persons, documents, which are pertinent or relevant concerning the commission of the crime or criminal activities
    • Emotional Appeal
    • Sympathetic appeal
    • Kindness
    • Extenuation
    • Shifting the blame
    • Mutt and Jeff
    • Bluff on a Split Pair
    • Pretense of Physical Evidence
    • Jolting
  • Criminal Investigation
    Refers to the art and science which deals with the identity and location of the offender and provide evidence of his guilt in a criminal proceeding
    Referred as an investigation of a case that is unique and often requires special training to fully understand their broad significance
  • Criminal Investigation as an Art and Science
    It is the collection of facts in order to accomplish the three-fold aims: 1. To identify the guilty party; 2. To locate the guilty party; and 3. To provide evidence of his guilt
    • REGULAR SOURCES: Records, files from government or non-government agencies, news items, TV broadcast, intercepted radio, telephone messages, and stored computer data
    • CULTIVATED SOURCES: Information furnished by informants or informers
    • GRAPEVINE SOURCE: Information coming from underworld characters such as prison or ex-convicts
  • CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION: An interrogation conducted on the person
    • Know Nothing Type: reluctant to become a witness
    • Disinterested Type: uncooperative, indifferent persons must be flattered to develop pride in his ability to supply information; his interest should be stimulated by stressing the importance of the information he possesses
    • Drunken Type: flattery will encourage the drunk to answer and develop interest. Not advisable to take written statements of drunk witnesses
    • Suspicious Type: fear must be reduced and the investigator should apply psychological pressure by telling him that non-cooperation will work against him
    • Talkative Type: find ways to shift his talkativeness to those matters useful in the investigation
    • Honest Witness: ideal witness with little care and guidance
    • Deceitful Witness: permit to lie until he is enmeshed with falsehoods and inconsistencies= playback is effective to counter then, state that perjury is punishable
    • Timid Witness: friendly approached with explanation that all information shall be treated with confidentiality
    • Boasting, Egoistic, or Egocentric Witness: patience and flattery are necessary for they will be a good witness, however they are prone to color their story and put emphasis on their part
  • The annual crime prevention is celebrated every 1st week of September
  • Three (3) tools of Investigation
    • Information
    • Interrogation or interview
    • Instrumentation
    Questioning of a person suspected of having committed an offense or a person who is reluctant to make full disclosure of information in his possession which is pertinent to the investigation
    • INTEROGATION/INTERVIEW: The process of obtaining an admission or confession from those suspects who have committed a crime
  • An Investigator is the person tasked with carrying out the objectives of the investigation. This involves identifying the criminals, locating the criminal offender, providing evidence to prove guilt, and acting as a witness in favor of the prosecution
  • Qualities of an effective investigator
    • Perseverance with endurance
    • Intelligence and wisdom of Solomon
    • Honesty, Integrity/incorruptible
    • Understanding of the people and environment
    • Knowledgeable about the laws on crimes, evidence, arrest, investigative concept/techniques, scientific aids, laboratory services, and about the criminals and their modus operandi
    • Keen power of observation and description
    • Mastery in oral and written communication
    • The power to read between the lines
  • Republic Act No. 7438 April 27, 1992 defines certain rights of persons arrested, detained, or under custodial investigation as well as the duties of the arresting, detaining, and investigating officers, and provides penalties for violations thereof
  • Custodial Investigation refers to the stage where the investigation conducted by law enforcement officers is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime and has begun to focus on a particular suspect who has been taken into custody by law enforcement officers who carry out the process of interrogation that leads itself to eliciting incriminating statements
  • Evidence is the means sanctioned by the Rules of Court, of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact. These include but are not limited to documentary, testimonial, electronic, and object evidence, gathered in the course of the investigation
  • Criminal Investigation and Detection is both an art and a science; a collaboration of common sense, judgment, intellect, experience, and an innate intuitiveness along with a grasp of relative technical knowledge
  • Criminal Intelligence is information compiled, analyzed, and/or disseminated in an effort to anticipate, prevent, or monitor criminal activity
  • Interrogation Techniques

    • Emotional Appeal
    • Sympathetic appeal
    • Kindness
    • Extenuation
    • Shifting the blame
    • Mutt and Jeff
    • Bluff on a Split Pair
    • Pretense of Physical Evidence
    • Jolting
  • Tools of Criminal Investigation include Instrumentation, which is the process of applying instruments or tools of police sciences in criminal investigation and detection, sometimes called criminalistics
  • Responsibilities of Special Crime Investigators
    • Determine if the Crime has been Committed
    • Verify Jurisdiction
    • Discover all Facts and Collect Physical Evidence
    • Recover Stolen Property
    • Identify Perpetrator
    • Locate and Apprehend the Perpetrator
    • Aid in the Prosecution of the Perpetrator
    • Testify Effectively in Court
  • Custodial Investigation is an interrogation conducted on the person held in detention by law enforcers and apprehended by virtue of arrest without a warrant
  • Basic Elements of Investigation Process
    • Recognition- is the identification/recognition
    • Collection is the act of gathering relevant information from possible sources aside from the crime scene
    • Preservation- is an act of ensuring the physical and legal integrity or the credibility of the information or pieces of evidence gathered
    • Evaluation- is the determination of the merit or the worth of the information or evidences to prosecute the suspect
  • In-Depth Investigation
    • A phase of criminal investigation that follows up initial leads which develop during the preliminary investigation and opens up a new area of inquiry
  • Investigation Procedure at the Crime Scene
    Upon arrival at the crime scene: Receive the crime scene from the first responder, Record time/date of arrival at the crime scene, location of the scene, condition of the weather, condition and type of lighting, direction of wind and visibility, Photograph and/or video the entire crime scene, Before entering the crime scene, all investigators must put on surgical gloves, Before touching or moving any object at the crime scene in a homicide or murder case, determine first the status of the victim, whether he is still alive or already dead. If the victim is alive, the investigator should exert effort to gather information from the victim himself regarding the incident
  • Primary Investigation
    • An inquiry conducted to determine whether there is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been committed and the respondent is probably guilty thereof, and should be held for trial
  • Types of Crime Scenes
    • Indoor scene
    • Outdoor scene
  • Legal Medicine is a branch of Medicine that deals with the application of medical knowledge to the purposes of law and in the administration of justice. It applies basic clinical and paramedical sciences to elucidate legal matters.
  • Crime scene investigation procedure
    Before touching or moving any object at the crime scene in a homicide or murder case, determine first the status of the victim, whether he is still alive or already dead. If the victim is alive, gather information from the victim regarding the circumstances of the crime and call an ambulance. Before removing the victim, mark, sketch, and photograph his/her relative position. Only a coroner or a medical examiner shall remove the dead body unless unusual circumstances justify its immediate removal. Designate a member to secure the scene and permit only authorized persons to enter. Identify and retain for questioning the person who first notified the police and other possible witnesses. Determine the assailant through inquiry or observation and arrest if still in the vicinity. Separate witnesses to get independent statements.
  • Investigation Procedure at the Crime Scene
    • Recording
    • Searching for evidence
    • Collection of Evidence
    • Markings of Evidence
    • Evaluation of Evidence
    • Preservation of Evidence
    • Releasing of Evidence
    • Chain of Custody
    • Transmittal of Evidence to Crime Laboratory
  • Methods of Crime Scene Search
    Strip Search Method: Area blocked out in a rectangle, searchers proceed slowly along paths parallel to one side, evidence found is cared for and collected. Double Strip Search Method: Rectangle traversed first parallel to the base then parallel to a side. Spiral Search Method: Searchers follow each other along the path of a spiral, beginning on the outside and spiraling in toward the center. Zone Search Method/Quadrant: One searcher assigned to each subdivision of a quadrant. Wheel Search Method/Ray: Searchers gather at the center and proceed outward along radii or spokes.
  • Dr. Pedro P. Solis is considered the father of Legal Medicine in the Philippines
  • William J. Curran defines legal medicine as encompassing those specialty areas of medicine concerned with relations to substantive law and legal institutions
  • Major capabilities of a medico-legal officer include conducting autopsies, examinations of victims of sexual crimes and physical injuries, examination of skeletal remains, blood and body fluid analysis, exhumation of bodies, and histopathological examinations
  • Autopsy or Necropsy Report is the medical document stating the cause of death of the victim
  • Post Mortem Examination is a cursory examination of the dead body by the medico-legal officer at the crime scene, while Autopsy is more detailed
  • Orfila is the founder of modern toxicology