12-bar blues ('Lady Day and (John Coltrane)')
7th chords ('Lady Day and (John Coltrane)', bar 21)
7ths are sometimes laced with #9ths, which produce false relations
9th chords ('Lady Day and (John Coltrane)', bar 47)
13th chords ('Lady Day and (John Coltrane)', bar 81)
Some quartal harmony ('Inner State (of Mind)', bars 70-71)
False relations ('Inner State (of Mind)', bar 18)
Half-diminished chords ('Inner state (of Mind)', bar 53)
Augmented chord ('Lady Day and (John Coltrane), bar 119)
Parallel harmony ('Lady Day and (John Coltrane)', parallel 7th chords, bar 65)
Change of harmonic rhythm, i.e. rate of chord changes per bar (final section of 'Lady Day and (John Coltrane)', from bar 119)
Use of basic (non-extended) chords (opening of 'Love and Affection')
Primary chords ('Love and Affection', bar 22 onwards)
Chromatic side-stepping ('Love and Affection', bar 62 onwards)