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    • Systematic desensitisation uses counter-conditioning to unlearn the maladaptive response to a situation by eliciting another response (relaxation).
    • Flooding is an extreme form of systematic desensitisation where the individual is exposed to their feared stimulus until they no longer experience anxiety or distress.
    • Firstly, the client and the therapist work together to develop a fear hierarchy, where they rank the phobic situation from least to most terrifying.
    • Next, the individual is taught relaxation techniques, such as breathing techniques, progressive muscle relaxation strategies, or mental imagery techniques.
    • Finally, the individual is exposed to their phobic situation, while relaxed. According to systematic desensitisation, two emotional states cannot exist at the same time, also known as reciprocal inhibition.
    • The patient moves up their hierarchy gradually until they are completely relaxed in the most feared situation.