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  • Rda for adults- adults older than __ years old should consume ___ of protein for each kilogram of body weight
    19, 0.8g/kg
  • __ proteins have amino acids that resemble those of ___ proteins
    complete, animal
  • examples of food that are complete proteins for adults are ____, ___. and plant proteins
    quinoa, soy
  • ___ proteins: proteins that provide all ___ amino acids and some ____.
    complete, essential, nonessential amino acids
  • What make proteins different from carbohydrates and fats in terms of chemical structure: is that protein has __ and __
    nitrogen, sulfur
  • ___ bonds: Bonds that connect amino acids, created when the acid group of amino acid is joined w/ the amine group through condensation
    peptide bond
  • ____ of proteins means ___ of protein. It does not alter the primary structure of protein (the amino acids stay in the same sequence) but does change the shape.
  • denaturation does not occur in presence of water
  • ___ balance: used to determine how much protein an individual needs to replace or build new tissue.
    • if the nitrogen intake from dietary protein is equivalent to the amount of nitrogen excreted as urea in the urine, then a person is in nitrogen balance.
  • ____ nitrogen balance:
    •  when nitrogen losses are greater than nitrogen intake (individual experiencing medical trauma, fighting infection, or severe emotional trauma)
  • ____ nitrogen: A body that retains more nitrogen than it excretes is in positive nitrogen balance. (pregnant women, growing babies, children)
  • ____ nitrogen:
    • a healthy non pregnant adult are typically in nitrogen balance. Because consumed same amount of nitrogen they excrete
  • What percent of daily intake should be consumed as protein?____ of their daily intake as protein
  • ____ (PEM)is Lack of sufficient dietary protein and/ or kilocalories
    protein- energy malnutrition
  • PEM occurs when The available protein is used as an ____ source rather than for its other roles in the body.
  • Lack of protein damages the ____ lining which inhibits the cells ability to ___ nutrients. (APART OF PEM)
    GI tract, absorb
  • There are 3 types of PEM: _______, _____, marasmic kwashiorkor (we will only focus on 2) Know the difference between the 2
    kwashiorkor, marasmus
  • ___severe protein deficiency. Generally the result of a diet high in ____ and deficient in ____.
    kwashiorkor, grains, protein
  • symptoms of kwashiorkor:
    : Edema (swelling) in___, feet, and ____.
    Diminished ____tone and ____
    brittle hair that pulls easily
    a pale sad and apathetic appearance
    being prone to ___, rapid __ rate, excess ____in lungs
    legs, stomach, muscle, strength, infection, heart, fluid, pneumonia
  • ____results from a severe deficiency in ____(initially starving)
    marasmus, kilocalories
  • symptoms ____
    frail, emaciated appearance.
    Weakened and appear apathetic.
    Often cannot stand without support.
    Appears old and beyond their years.
    Hair thin, dry and lacks sheen.
    Low body temperature and blood pressure.
    Prone to dehydration, infections, and unnecessary blood clotting.
  • ____ synthesis: process by which the ____ code within a cell nucleus is transcribed and translated to produce specific proteins
    protein, dna
  • Protein synthesis depends on the type of genes. Three steps of protein
    • synthesis:______, translation, and _____
    transcription, elongation
  • ____begins in nucleus. DNA replicates (copies) itself and forms _____(messenger rna) using the _____sequence that determines the amino acids in the chain.
    transcription, mRNA, nucleotide
  • ____mRNA translates protein building information to _____in the _____
    translation, ribosomes, cytoplasma
  • ___
    •  ribosomes send tRNA (transfer RNA) to bring specified amino acids to the ____ to assemble in proper sequence until a new protein is built and released. (based on code in ____)
    elongation, ribosome, mRNA
  • ____ amino acids are found in the body and must be consumed in food. (9aa)
  • essential amino acids include:
    • ____(His)
    • isoleucine (lle),
    • ____ (Leu),
    • lysine (lys),
    • ______ (met),
    • phenylalanine (phe),
    • threonine (thr), 
    • tryptophan(trp),
    • ____ (val)
    histidine, leucine, methionine, valine
  • ___ amino acids are found in the body and don't have to be consumed in foods (11aa)
    non essential