When the observer and the source of sound are moving relative to each other
The waves appear to have a different frequency for both the observer and the source
Effect of source moving away from the observer
The wavelength of the waves is lengthened, making the sound appear at a lower frequency to the observer
Red light has a longer wavelength than blue light, causing red shift and blue shift for electromagnetic waves
Doppler effect
The frequency change due to the relative motion between a source of sound or light and an observer
When the observer and the source of sound are both stationary
The waves appear to remain at the same frequency for both the observer and the source
When a source of sound moves away from an observer, it appears to decrease in frequency, i.e. it sounds lower in pitch
For electromagnetic waves
Waves moving away from the observer are red-shifted, shifting to the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum
Waves moving towards the observer are blue-shifted, shifting to the blue end of the electromagnetic spectrum
Effect of source moving towards the observer
The wavelength of the waves is shortened, making the sound appear at a higher frequency to the observer
Frequency and wavelength are related by the wave equation, where the speed of the wave remains constant
This equation only works if v << c
The bigger the change, the bigger the Doppler shift
The speed v of the wave does not change
A stationary source of light is found to have a spectral line of wavelength 438 nm. The same line from a distant star that is moving away from us has a wavelength of 608 nm. Calculate the speed at which the star is traveling away from Earth
The Doppler shift is observed by all waves including sound and light
The relative speed between the source and observer along the line joining them is given by: ∆v = vs - vo
Change in wavelength
A moving object will cause the wavelength, λ, (and frequency) of the waves to change
The wavelength of the waves in front of the source decreases (λ – Δλ) and the frequency increases
The wavelength behind the source increases (λ + Δλ) and the frequency decreases
The relationship between frequency and wavelength is determined by the wave equation
Wavefront diagrams help visualise the Doppler effect for moving wave sources and stationary observers
The Doppler shift for a light-emitting non-relativistic source can be described using the equation: ∆f/f = ∆λ/λ ≈ ∆v/c
The Doppler shift has no units
Usually, we are calculating the speed of the source of electromagnetic waves relative to an observer which we assume to be stationary
Spectral lines showing red shift indicate that the galaxy is traveling away from Earth
Stars and galaxies can be red or blueshifted to an observer on Earth
Doppler equation
∆λ/λ = v/c
Object is moving towards Earth, wavelength is decreasing, frequency is increasing
Light from a distant galaxy is shifted towards the red end of the spectrum compared to the Sun's spectra, providing evidence that the universe is expanding
Redshift is the fractional increase in wavelength (or decrease in frequency) due to the source and observer receding from each other
Calculate velocity v
v = c∆λ/λ
Positive and Negative Velocities
If speed of the galaxy relative to Earth is positive, the galaxy is moving towards Earth. If negative, the galaxy is moving away from Earth
Object is moving away from Earth, wavelength is increasing, frequency is decreasing
An expanding universe was discovered after the Doppler redshift
Redshift can be observed by comparing the light spectrum produced from a close object, such as our Sun, with that of a distant galaxy
If the speed of the galaxy relative to Earth is negative then the galaxy is moving away from the Earth
The space between the Earth and the galaxies must be expanding due to the receding galaxies
Expansion of the universe
The expansion can be compared to dots on an inflating balloon
As the balloon is inflated, the dots all move away from each other
In the same way, as the rubber stretches when the balloon is inflated, space itself is stretching out between galaxies
Galaxies move away from each other due to the stretching of space
The speed of light is 3.0 × 10^8 m/s
When a source of sound waves moves relative to a stationary observer, the observed frequency can be calculated using the Doppler shift equation for a moving source
Observation from looking at light spectra produced by distant galaxies
The greater the distance to the galaxy, the greater the redshift
The greater the degree of redshift, the faster the galaxy is moving away from Earth
The further a galaxy is from Earth, the greater its redshift tends to be
The furthest galaxies appear to be redshifted the most and are receding the fastest
After the discovery of Doppler redshift, astronomers began to realize that almost all the galaxies in the universe are receding