1. Skin at the site of entry of the filariform larvae
2. Lung during larval migration
3. Small intestine as ha
Adult hookworms
Necator americanus is smaller than Ancylostoma duodenale
Head of Necator americanus is curved opposite to the curvature of the body, while Ancylostoma duodenale's head is curved in the same direction as the body
Female hookworms are larger than males
Male hookworms have a posterior end equipped with an expansion with rib-like rays for copulation called caudal bursa
Ancylostoma duodenale has 2 pairs of curved ventral teeth, TRIDIGITATE dorsal ray, and 2 spicules; Necator americanus has a ventral pair of semilunar cutting plates, BIFID dorsal ray, and FUSED spicules
Human hookworms
Necator americanus
Ancylostoma duodenale
Difficult to distinguish the eggs of A. duodenale vs N. americanus
Oval-round with thin, smooth and colorless albuminous (transparent) eggshell
Contains clear space between the eggshell and ovum
Ovum usually contains 2-8 cells when passed with feces