international relations is the study of the interactions between two or more countries.
internationalization is the study of phenomenon of the deepeninginteraction between states.
internationalization is not equal to globalization, it is a major part of globalization.
states/governments are ke drivers of global processes.
world politics today has 4 key attributes.
countries that are independent can interact through diplomacy.
diplomacy is the process of representation and negotiation by which states customarily deal with one another in times of peace. -padelford and lincoln
diplomacy is the normal means of conducting international relations.
international organizations provide a platform for international talks.
there are states with multiple nations.
the nation of scotland has its own flag and national culture but still belongs to a state called United kingdom
if there states with multiple nations, there are also a single nation with multiple states.
the nation of South Korea is divided into North and South Korea.
the chinese nation may refer to both the peoples republic of china (the mainland) and taiwan.
state refers to a country and its government.
state is an independent political entity with clear geographic boundaries.
states have four attributes: people, territory, government, sovereignty.
a state exercises authority over a specific population called citizens.
the most important element as without people all other three elements are nothing.
a state is created for the people.
there is no exact number if people required to create a state; however, it should be numerous enough to defend territory and feed themselves.
a state govers a specific territory.
a state has control over the territory where citizens inhabit.
territory of state includes aerial, fluvial, maritime, terrestrial.
aerial territory is the sky and space above.
the fluvial territory is the lakes, rivers, and inland waters
maritime territory is the seas, and oceans
a state has a structure of government that crafts various rules that people follow
the word government is derived from Latin word gubernaculum meaning rudder and gubernare which means to steer, direct, or control.
government is a rudder which means to steer the ship of the state
the state has sovereignty over its territory.
sovereignty means supreme power or authority
internal sovereignty is the right of state to have control over domestic affairs of state.
external sovereignty is the indepedence of states from foreign control
nation is an imagined community. - benedict anderson
a nation is a group of people with a sense of unity based on importance the group attributes to a shared trait, or custom.
a common language, religiom, ethnicity, race, and/or culture are often the foundations of national identity.
various cultural communities came to consider themselves nations but were never able to establish their own nation-state. they are thus called stateless nations.
state-building often starts at nation-building
treaty of westphalia in 1648 sets the agreement signed to end third year's war between the major continental powers.