Celebration of jesus presence in the church

Cards (36)

  • Baptism It takes away original sin and gives us a new birth in the holy spirit it's sign is the pouring of water
  • Confirmation It's sign are the laying on of hands on a person head, most often by a bishop and the anointing with oil(chrism)
  • Anointing with oil happens during 12 and locally 16 and 40
  • Eucharist It's signs are the bread and wine we receive—The body and blood of christ
  • Sacraments of healing celebrate the healing power of jesus
  • Anointing of the sick unties a sick person's suffering with that of jesus and brings forgiveness of sins
  • Sacraments at the service of communion helps member serve the community
  • Holy orders men are ordained as priests, deacons or bishop
  • Baptism, first and fundamental sacrament and the gate to the other sacraments, us the purifying and sanctifying sacrament of rebirth
  • Jesus christ: celebration of jesus presence in the church
  • John 1:14: the word became a human being and full od grace and truth, lived among us"
  • 2 Corinthian 5:14: Jesus death was for all of us
  • The significance of the hope becomes the center of all Christians faith
  • Dominic wad can organized in 1954
  • Liturgical feast day is march 9
  • Solidarity is a unity or agreement of feeling or action among individuals with a common interest or goal
  • Sacraments of initiation: These Sacraments lay the foundation of every christian life
  • Penance jesus healing grace through absolution by the priest
  • Matrimony the consent of the couple, as express in the marriage promises
  • We received the three theological values: faith, hope ang charity
  • Wearing white cloth means purity
  • Go therefore and makes disciples of all the nations, matthew 28:19
  • Confirma means strengthen
  • Confirmation Accepting responsibilities for our faith and actively living our vocation
  • "I am the light of the word whoever follows me will never walks in the darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12
  • Requirements for confirmation is atlest 12yrs old
  • The eucharist is the mysterious center of all these sacraments
  • August 21-feast day
  • August 20, 1914 is saint pius death
  • 1858 ordained as priest
  • Motto of st. Pius is "restore all things in Christ"
  • 12 the homily
  • What story is entering of bread:last supper
  • 11 the gospel
  • 5 the gloria
  • 2
    Sign of the cross