Cards (198)

  • located within the skull and spine
    central nervous system
  • outside the skull and spine
    peripheral nervous system
  • part of the PNS which interacts with the external environment
    somatic nervous system
  • composition of somatic nervous system
    afferent nerves
    efferent nerves
  • carry sensory signals from skin, skeletal muscles, joints, eyes, ears to the CNS
    afferent nerves
  • carry motor signals from the CNS to skeletal muscles
    efferent nerves
  • part of PNS that regulates the body's internal environment
    autonomic nervous system
  • ANS' 2 kinds of efferent nerves:
    sympathetic nerves
    parasympathetic nerves
  • autonomic motor nerves that project from the CNS in the lumbar and thoracic regions of spinal cord
    sympathetic nerves
  • automatic motor nerves that project from the brain and sacral region of the spinal cord
    parasympathetic nerves
  • protective casing of brain and spinal cord
  • outer meninx is a tough membrane called, tough mother
    dura mater
  • spider web-like membrane inside the dura mater
    arachnoid membrane
  • space beneath the arachnoid membrane which contains many large blood vessels and cerebrospinal fluid
    subarachnoid membrane
  • innermost meninx which adheres to the surface of the CNS
    pia mater
  • also protects the CNS, fills the subarachnoid space , central canal of the spinal cord and cerebral ventricles of the brain
    cerebrospinal fluid
  • small central channel that runs the length of the spinal cord
    central canal
  • 4 large internal chambers of the brain
    cerebral ventricles
  • what are the 4 large internal chambers of the brain
    2 lateral ventricles
    third ventricle
    fourth ventricle
  • interconnected by a series of openings and thus form a single reservoir
    subarachnoid space
    central canal
    cerebral ventricles
  • supports and cushions the brain
    cerebrospinal fluid
  • cerebrospinal fluid is produced by
    choroid plexuses
  • mechanism that impedes the passage of many toxic substances from blood into the brain
    blood-brain barrier
  • SNS includes ___ nerves that carry motor signals form the CNS to the muscles
  • ___is the part of the PNS that regulates the body's internal environment
  • the brain and the spinal cord are the only organs that are protected with 3 layers of protective membranes called ___
  • ___ or tough mother is the outer meninx
    dura mater
  • the ___ nervous system is activated when you encounter a threatening information such as a bear attacking you, this system is essential for the initiation of fight-or-flight responses
  • motor nerves that project from the brain and lower region of the spine are called ___ nerves
    parasympathetic nerves
  • ___nerve is a purely sensory nerve that transfers visual information from the retina of the eye to the brain
  • ___ nerve is the nerve cell that extends directly from the brain to the gut
  • ___is a channel that connects the third and fourth ventricles in the brain
    cerebral aqueduct
  • the ventricles of patients with a congenital condition called ___ build up fluid as a result of blocked channels in the brain
  • many toxic substances that are present in the bloodstream are prohibited from entering the brain by a mechanism called the ___
    blood-brain barrier
  • unlike large toxic molecules, ___, which is critical for the function of the brain, is actively transported through the vessel walls
  • composed of lipid bilayer or 2 layers of fat molecules
    neuron cell membrane
  • neuron with more than 2 processes extending from its cell body
    multipolar neuron
  • neuron with one process extending from its cell body
    unipolar neuron
  • neurons with short axon or no axon at all, integrate neural activity within a single brain structure
  • semipermeable membrane that encloses the neuron
    cell membrane