Workers in TNCs are paid less compared to their counterparts in the companies’ home countries
Dimensions of global cultural flow
International Monetary Fund (IMF) fosters global monetary cooperation, ensures financial stability, and supports developing countries
World Bank states that economic globalization does not benefit all nations
Globalization as an ideology is referred to as globalism
Appadurai (1996): 'Five dimensions of global cultural flow'
Organizations of the World Bank
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
International Development Association (IDA)
International Financial Corporation (IFC)
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
International Center for Settlement and Investment Disputes (ICSID)
Economic globalization
International movements of goods and services, capital, labor migration for employment
Economic globalization integrates the entire world into a unified market, facilitating global trade in goods, services, capital, and labor
Post-World War II, World Bank and IMF emerged as global financial guides aiming to rebuild economies and eradicate poverty
Globalization as a condition is a future social condition characterized by thick economic, political, and cultural interconnections and global flows that make currently existing political borders and economic barriers irrelevant (Steger, 2005)
Regional development banks collaborate to promote economic stability
Economic globalization
Capital/economic smooth flow or circulation
Access to new markets
Spread of updates/knowledge
Increase in cooperation and unity
Cheap labor is evident in the Philippines
Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies through cross-border trade, flow of international capital, and rapid spread of technologies
Asian Development Bank (ADB) and African Development Bank (AfDB) focus on regional development, economic growth, and poverty alleviation in Asia and Africa respectively
Globalization is the connectivity across the entire world of the economic and cultural life that increased throughout the centuries
The Silk Road connected the Western world to the Middle East and Asia, facilitating trade between different regions
Economic globalization helps facilitate the movement of goods from one country to another, leading to growth and development of economies
ADB and AfDB, established in the 1960s, focus on regional development
Globalization of production
AfDB focuses on regional development in Africa
Globalization of trade and goods and services
Establishment of WTO
China as major supplier and exporter
Increasing number of BPO
World Trade Organization was established
Economic Globalization is the process of making the world economy an 'organic system' by extending transnational economic processes and relations to more and more countries and by deepening the economic interdependencies among them
Regional development banks collaborate
To promote economic stability
International Economic and Funding Organizations goals
Reducing Global Poverty
Support sustainable economic, social, and institutional development
Promote original cooperation and integration
NGOs are classified into
Conventional (federations)
The overall objective of the WTO is to help its members use trade as a means to raise living standards, create jobs, and improve people's lives
Global market integration did not happen overnight. It was the result of the establishment of a global economy that involves the homogenization of trade and commerce
International Monetary Fund was founded at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 to secure international monetary cooperation, stabilize currency exchange rates, and expand international liquidity
Differences among international, multinational, transnational, and global companies
IGOs include
United Nations
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
European Union
World Trade Organization
International Criminal Court
Early international trade and exchange involved the development of maritime transport and the role of colonialism and imperialism in establishing economic interrelationships
International financial institutions play a significant role in the social and economic development of countries with emerging or transitional economies in many regions of the world
International financial institutions drive global cooperation, address disparities, and pave the way for a more inclusive world economy
ADB spurs economic growth and progress, addressing poverty in Asia
Globalization of financial and capital markets
Cross-listing of shares
Cross-hedging and diversification of portfolio
Round the clock trading
Transnational Corporation is any firm that undertakes foreign direct investment, owns or manages income-generating assets in more than one country, produces goods or services beyond its country of origin, or engages in international production