
Cards (25)

  • Characteristics of depression
    • Emotional
    • Behavioural
    • Cognitive
  • How phobias are initiated through classical conditioning
    A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (that causes fear) to produce a conditioned response of fear
  • Systematic desensitisation
    Preferred to flooding due to being less traumatic and more viable for all phobic individuals
  • Behavioural characteristics of depression
    Depressed individuals experience either increased or reduced levels in activity, changes in sleeping hours, agitation, restlessness, and appetite changes
  • Emotional characteristics of depression
    5 symptoms required for a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, including feelings of intense sadness and worthlessness, some may report feelings of anger
  • Cognitive characteristics of depression
    Negative thoughts cause negative emotions associated with depression, irrational thoughts include negative expectations and thoughts of worthlessness, self-fulfilling thoughts may occur
  • Diathesis-stress model

    Certain genes create vulnerability for mental disorders, and after an activating event or trauma, mental disorders develop in these individuals
  • Systematic desensitisation
    Treatment for phobias replacing fear with relaxation by exposing patients to progressively anxiety-inducing scenarios
  • Negative triad
    A cognitive approach to understanding depression, focusing on how expectations (schema) about the self, world, and future lead to depression
  • SLT explains phobias
    May be acquired through modelling the behaviour of others, especially if the behaviour is rewarding and gets attention
  • Phobias maintained by operant conditioning
    Avoidance of phobic stimulus reduces anxiety, leading to continued avoidance due to negative reinforcement
  • Statistical infrequency
    Abnormality defined as behavior that is extremely rare or characteristics not displayed by many people
  • Emotional, behavioural, and cognitive characteristics of phobias
    Emotional- Anxiety, Behavioral- Avoidance behaviors, Cognitive- Irrational fears and avoidance behaviors
  • Emotional, behavioural, and cognitive characteristics of OCD
    Emotional- Feelings of anxiety and shame, Behavioural- Compulsive behaviors to alleviate anxiety, Cognitive- Recurrent, intrusive thoughts often involving irrational themes like germs
  • Cognitive theory explains depression
    Depression is due to irrational thinking and skewed negative cognitions
  • Failure to function adequately
    Abnormality defined as an inability to cope with everyday life, causing distress to the individual or others around them
  • Biological theory explains OCD
    OCD is caused by abnormal levels of dopamine and serotonin, and a non-functioning worry circuit in the brain
  • Phobias interfere with the individual’s daily life, distinguishing them from normal fears
  • OCD is treated using the biological approach by administering drugs to reduce symptoms, such as SSRIs to increase serotonin levels
  • Briefly describe the case of Little Albert
  • The deviation from ideal health definition is criticised for being founded on unrealistic criteria that are unlikely for any one individual to display all the time
  • Little Albert study
    1. A fear of fluffy white objects was conditioned in a young baby
    2. Pairing neutral stimulus (NS) with unconditioned stimulus (UCS) led to a fear response becoming a conditioned response
  • Characteristics of phobias
    • Emotional: Anxiety is the primary emotion associated with phobic disorders
    • Behavioural: Phobic individuals often avoid situations involving their phobic stimulus
    • Cognitive: Thoughts of a phobic individual are irrational and not reduced by reasoning
  • Depression is treated using the cognitive approach by using CBT, a combination of cognitive therapy and behavioural therapy
  • Deviation from the ideal mental health is defined as displaying the absence of the criteria set by Jahoda for ideal mental health