Cards (28)

  • A physician bled three young boys and had an ill Pope Innocent VIII drink the blood. Unfortunately, the boys and the Pope, died.
  • Architect Sir Christopher Wren used a quill of a goose attached to a bladder to demonstrate that the intravenous injections of substances into animals had systemic effects.

  • Dr. William Harvey’s “De Motu Cordis” paved the way for an entirely new arena of blood investigation. The book included a detailed information of the circulatory system.

  • Dr. Richard Lower successfully transfused blood from one dog to another. This led Samuel Pepys to speculate potential benefits of human transfusion. “Bad blood” might be mended by “borrowing” blood “from a better body.”

  • Dr. John Henry Leacock presented his dissertation “On the Transfusion of Blood in Extreme Cases of Haemorrhage”

  • Dr. Richard Lower successfully transfused a Cambridge University student with sheep’s blood

  • Dr. Denys performed transfusion
    To Antoine Mauroy, a madman using blood of a calf
  • Dr. John Henry Leacock presented experiments that prove that transfusion can only be carried out by the same species
  • First human to human transfusion had been performed by Dr. Philip Syng Physick
  • First published animal-to-human transfusion performed by Dr. Jean Baptiste Denys on a 16 year old boy

  • Dr. Denys performed transfusion
    Exchanging 3 ounces of boy’s blood for 9 ounces of a lamb’s blood
  • Dr. Denys’ criticisms led to the ban of human transfusions in Europe (Paris Society of Physicians)
  • Emil Ponfick observed red cell lysis in the blood of a woman who died after receiving transfusion of sheep’s blood

    Late 1800s
  • Dr. Richard Weil suggested the inheritance of ABO types
  • Dr. Karl Landsteiner discovered the ABO blood group
  • Dr. James Blundell successfully transfused a woman dying from postpartum bleeding with blood from her husband

  • Alfred Von Decastello and Adriano Sturli (Landsteiner’s former students) found the fourth blood type “AB”
  • Dr. Richard Weil was the first to perform ABO typing and began compatibility testing

  • Von Dungern described two different A antigens based on reactions between group A RBCs and anti-A and anti-A₁
  • Dr. James Blundell invented the “Gravitator” and the “Impellor”
  • Though many suggested that crossmatching was unnecessary if the selection of donors was restricted to individuals of the same blood group
  • Philip Levine published a case report of post-transfusion hemolysis in a blood group O patient who received blood from her husband

  • First Blood donor service was established by Percy Oliver, Secretary of the Camberwell Division of the British Red Cross

  • Reuben Ottenberg demonstrated the importance of compatibility testing in his report of 128 cases of transfusion

  • Felix Bernstein have successfully proven the inheritance pattern of blood groups
  • First Blood donor service was established by Percy Oliver, Secretary of the Camberwell Division of the British Red Cross

  • Sodium Citrate was discovered

  • The American Association of Immunologists adopted a new classification scheme as proposed by Dr. Landsteiner, which is our current ABO terminology
