A physician bled three young boys and had an ill Pope Innocent VIII drink the blood. Unfortunately, the boys and the Pope, died.
Architect Sir Christopher Wren used a quill of a goose attached to a bladder to demonstrate that the intravenous injections of substances into animals had systemic effects.
Dr. William Harvey’s“De Motu Cordis” paved the way for an entirely new arena of blood investigation. The book included a detailed information of the circulatory system.
Dr. Richard Lower successfully transfused blood from one dog to another. This led Samuel Pepys to speculate potential benefits of human transfusion. “Bad blood” might be mended by “borrowing” blood “from a better body.”
Dr. John Henry Leacock presented his dissertation “On the Transfusion of Blood in Extreme Cases of Haemorrhage”
Dr. Richard Lower successfully transfused a Cambridge University student with sheep’s blood
Dr. Denys performed transfusion
To Antoine Mauroy, a madman using blood of a calf
Dr. John Henry Leacock presented experiments that prove that transfusion can only be carried out by the same species
First human to human transfusion had been performed by Dr. Philip Syng Physick
First published animal-to-human transfusion performed by Dr. Jean Baptiste Denys on a 16 year old boy
Dr. Denys performed transfusion
Exchanging 3 ounces of boy’s blood for 9 ounces of a lamb’s blood
Dr. Denys’ criticisms led to the ban of human transfusions in Europe (Paris Society of Physicians)
Emil Ponfick observed red cell lysis in the blood of a woman who died after receiving transfusion of sheep’s blood
Late 1800s
Dr. Richard Weil suggested the inheritance of ABO types
Dr. Karl Landsteiner discovered the ABO blood group
Dr. James Blundell successfully transfused a woman dying from postpartum bleeding with blood from her husband
Alfred Von Decastello and Adriano Sturli (Landsteiner’s former students) found the fourth blood type “AB”
Dr. Richard Weil was the first to perform ABO typing and began compatibility testing
Von Dungern described two different A antigens based on reactions between group A RBCs and anti-A and anti-A₁
Dr. James Blundell invented the “Gravitator” and the “Impellor”
Though many suggested that crossmatching was unnecessary if the selection of donors was restricted to individuals of the same blood group
Philip Levine published a case report of post-transfusion hemolysis in a blood group O patient who received blood from her husband
First Blood donor service was established by Percy Oliver, Secretary of the Camberwell Division of the British Red Cross
Reuben Ottenberg demonstrated the importance of compatibility testing in his report of 128 cases of transfusion
Felix Bernstein have successfully proven the inheritance pattern of blood groups
First Blood donor service was established by Percy Oliver, Secretary of the Camberwell Division of the British Red Cross
Sodium Citrate was discovered
The American Association of Immunologists adopted a new classification scheme as proposed by Dr. Landsteiner, which is our current ABO terminology