CAT of AICPA - art of recording, classifying, summarizing
AAA - process of identifying, measuring, communicating
RA 9298 - Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004
PFRS is principle-based rather than rules-based.
Local standard setting body: FRSC by BOA (2006)
International standard setting body: IASB by IFRS Foundation (2001)
FRSC members: Chairman + 15 members - COABOASECBSPBIRICFINEXPICPA8
ASC (predecessor): Chairman + 7 members - No COA BIR IC + PICPA4
Interpretations are authoritative guidance.
Consider lASB Pronouncements
Formation of task force; if necessary, to give FRS advice
Issue exposure draft at least 60 days (30 if appropriate)
Consider all comments; if appropriate, comment letter to lASB
Approval of majority of FRSC members (9 members)
IFRIC is an interpretative committee that interprets the application of standards when there is no clear answer or when it is not obvious how to apply them.
The IFRIC has issued 28 interpretations since its formation on January 1, 2000.
IASB issues pronouncements such as standards, amendments, and interpretations.
FRSC → FSRSC = Financial and SustainabilityStandardsCouncil