Cards (132)

  • Human person
    • Man’s role in the universe, gift of technology, means of fulfilling ultimate destiny
  • Human flourishing is a life-long existential journey of hopes, achievements, sufferings, regrets, losses, illnesses, and coping
  • Aristotle: 'Each man has a purpose in life and the function of one’s life is to attain that purpose'
  • Human flourishing is defined as an effort to achieve self-actualization and fulfillment within a larger community of individuals, each with the right to pursue their own efforts
  • Humans are endowed with reason by God as a means to communicate, strive after truth, and care for His creation
  • Human beings have a natural desire and capacity to know and understand the truth, pursue moral excellence, and instantiate their ideals through action
  • To achieve true human flourishing, an individual must first overcome the different mechanisms of alienation
  • Our technological relationship with nature
    Before: as stewards of nature, Now: as master and slave
  • Technology as a way of revealing
    It is not merely something we create; it is a mode of being or revealing
  • Heidegger discusses the essence of modern and industrial technology, particularly evident in factories and industrial processes
  • Ordering the world purely as a resource dominates human consciousness, appreciating the world aesthetically, poetically, and religiously also reveals truth
  • Martin Heidegger: 'The essence of technology is by no means anything technological'
  • Humans have a divine origin and the human body is a divine gift deserving unconditional respect
  • Human flourishing encompasses
    • Uniqueness
    • Dignity
    • Diversity
    • Freedom
    • Happiness
    • Holistic well-being of individuals
  • Karl Marx: 'Humans are naturally social beings'
  • Alienation is the estrangement of humans from aspects of human nature
  • The purpose of life includes earthly happiness and flourishing, achievable through reason and acquisition of virtue
  • Technology is a way of revealing, not merely a means, according to Martin Heidegger
  • Two ways of understanding technology
    • Instrumental view
    • Anthropological view
  • Technology manifests where revealing and unconcealment occur, where truth emerges
  • Modern technology challenges nature by imposing unreasonable demands, viewing nature as objects of manipulation and artificial ordering
  • Human Condition Before the Common Era: From the time of Homo erectus to Homo sapiens, the primary goal was survival
  • Problem with Modern Technology
    • Ordering the world purely as a resource, viewing everything through the lens of scientific rationality, dominates human consciousness
    • Appreciating the world aesthetically, poetically, and religiously also reveals truth
    • The dominance of the technological mode of revealing obscures other ways of relating to the world
    • By recognizing technology as just one way of relating to the world, we can mitigate its dominance and allow nature to reveal itself through alternative modes of revealing
  • Notable Contributions
    • Mortality Rate
    • Average Lifespan
    • Literacy Rate
    • Gross Domestic Product
  • Different Perspectives on Happiness
    • Materialism
    • Hedonism
    • Stoicism
    • Theism
    • Humanism
  • Filipinos spend approximately 3.2 hours on mobile devices and 5.2 hours on desktops
  • Plato's Perspective on the Good Life

    • Emphasizes the task of understanding the world in parallel with achieving soul flourishing
  • John Stuart Mill's Perspective on the Good Life

    • Declares the Greatest Happiness Principle, stating that an action is right if it maximizes happiness for the greatest number of people
  • There are 47 million active Facebook accounts
  • Hedonism
    • The end goal of life is acquiring pleasure; life is about indulging in pleasure since it's finite
    • Led by Epicurus, followers adopt a "eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die" mentality
  • Theism
    • Many find meaning through communion with God, seeing it as the ultimate basis of happiness
  • 3 Key Aristotelian Ideas on Human Flourishing
    • Eudaimonia: Translated as "having good demons" from Greek
    • Virtue: Virtue enables flourishing
    • Education and Habit: Virtue is cultivated through education and habituation
  • Technology as a Way of Revealing
    1. Derived from "techne," meaning art and skill
    2. It serves as a means to achieve human ends and constitutes human activity, as articulated by Martin Heidegger
  • The Good Life
    Defined as the attainment of human flourishing, encompassing various components necessary for happiness
  • Human Condition in the Common Era: Facing the Holocene extinction, the primary goal shifted to living a good life
  • 119 Million mobile subscriptions
  • Materialism
    • Ancient Greek atomists believed the world is made of and controlled by indivisible units called atomos or seeds
    • Materialists emphasize the world's composition of matter; many find meaning in material wealth
  • Stoicism
    • Happiness is generated by learning to distance oneself and adopt apathy, accepting things beyond one's control
  • Aristotle's Perspective on the Good Life

    • Divides disciplines into theoretical and practical, focusing on truth and the good respectively
    • Posits that understanding the truth about the good is necessary for pursuing what is good
  • The Philippines boasts one of the highest digital populations globally