~ Values Education ~

Cards (20)

  • Among God's creations, there are three living creatures and they have similarities: plants, animals and humans.
  • Humans and animals also have senses such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, and sensation.
  • The mind is the human power to know and reason.
  • The main function of the mind is to understand. Its goal is truth.
  • Truth is a statement that expresses an idea or event that is proven and accepted unconditionally for all people wherever they live.
  • Intuition is the human power to choose, decide and carry out the chosen.
  • Virtue is the quality or state of being good, moral excellence or goodness.
  • The human sense is divided into two types: the external senses and the internal senses.
  • The external senses include senses such as:
    1. Sight
    2. Hearing
    3. Touch
    4. Smell
    5. Taste
  • The internal senses include senses such as:
    1. Consciousness
    2. Memory
    3. Imagination
    4. Instinct
  • Man was created capable of more than any other creature; that is why man is called a masterpiece.
  • Intuition will only choose an object or action if it is understood by the mind
    as good or good for him.
  • The mind can only choose bad if the bad is covered with some good so it looks good.
  • Research is careful investigation.
  • An event (effect) is related because of another event (cause).
  • In seeking the truth, there are many sources of information and data such as books and one can also ask people who know (also known as Inquiry).
  • Finding the truth can solve a problem. It is truth if it has the right justification.
  • Action towards a good and careful decision:
    In making an informed decision, first gather relevant information. Identify the possible alternatives and weigh each one.
    Train yourself to always choose and make the best decision, the decision that will produce goodness.
  • Practice self-discipline:
    Self-control is often easier if you follow the saying, "Out of sight, out of mind“ .
    The first step in developing self-discipline is to remove all temptations and distractions from your surroundings. Temptation is natural, so we must avoid it.
  • Controlling emotions:
    It is self-reflection and distancing of man from himself. This can help to stay calm and avoid destructive reactions brought on by sudden bursts of emotion.