The Datus embarked on sailing rafts of the type used by the Visayans in Sumatra and Borneo
The Datus, together with their wives and children, as well as a few faithfulservants and followers; monks, scholars, soldiers were secretly escorted out of the country by the Rajah's Chief Minister, whose name was Datu Puti
Datus were high officials (rendered high-official during the invasion but before the Hindu invasion, Datus were considered co-equal Paramount Rulers of a Kedatuan)
Smallest social unit in the present-day Philippines
The local folklore says that the name of the Bornean Rajah was Makatunao
Seafaring vessel used by the Visayans in Sumatra and Borneo
It was established by 10 leaders called Datus
The Datus were connected with the court of Indianized native kingdoms of Brunei and Srivijaya
According to tradition, the name Balangay survives in the local culture of Western Visayas
The term Barangay came from Balangay
They embarked on sailing rafts of the type used by the Visayans
The Visayans used this type of sailing raft in Sumatra and Borneo
The smallest social unit in present-day Philippines
The seafaring vessel used by the Visayans
People from the Malay settlements of what is now Borneo and Philippines