genbio 3

Cards (20)

  • geologic time scale - a system used by scientist to describe the timing and relationships between periods
  • primitive life -cannot pinpoint where life began. 3.5 billion years ago
  • eons
    1. hadean
    2. archaean
    3. proterozoic
  • hadean -first ocean, earliest
  • archaean -first single celled organism and ecosystem. formation of continentss
  • proterozoic -multicellular life evolved, Pangaea and panthalassa
  • Panthalassa is divided into 5:
    1. pacific
    2. antartic
    3. atlantic
    4. arctic
    5. indian
  • cambrian period -cambrian exploson
  • cambrian period -aquatic animals, (mollusk,brachiopods, trilobites) invertebraes, phytoplankton
  • ordovician -ice caps cover n. africa, ancestors of squid and octopus,jawless fish appeared
  • sillurian -corals develop, lands plants appears, SPIDERS! EVOLVE
  • Devonian -age of fishes, animals began to invade land (lungfish -1st vertebrates) amphibians evovled
  • carboniferous -life expanded over continents, pennyslvanian and mississippian, small reptiles develop, huge dragonfly
  • permian -reptiles are the dominant land species
  • mass extinction -climate change from continental drift
  • mesozoic
    Triassic period -first, insects,reptiles, dinosaurs,mammals,turtle,crocodile,forest
  • mesozoic
    jurassic period - first bird (archeopteryx)
    first flying reptile (pterosaurs)
    breaking up of pangaea\
  • mesozoic
    cretaceous -continents move towards present location. widespread volcanic activity, nagaway away na yung mga flying reptiles FIST SNAKESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS APPEARED
  • cenozoic
    tertiary period -himalayans and rocky mountains are formed, FIRST GRASSES APPEARED, ancestors of human evolved
  • cenozoic
    quaternary -modern humans (homosapiens)