Cards (27)

  • Counselling is actually a career, a challenging career path ways and likewise its really very interesting imagine yourself equip different knowledge
  • Counselling is a helping profession
  • Counselling should always be guided and motivated by goals
  • Counseling is basically consider an art (art is something to do beauty, because in Counseling there are different techniques on how to share a pieces of advices on clients) and a science (because all the informations or facts which are being shared to your clients like the use of techniques, methodology and professionals themselves are basically in line in science)
  • Counseling is basically consider an art and a science because it is actually the subjective endeavor in in our dimension in counseling.
  • developing goals is assisting in meeting or advancing the client's human growth and development including your wellness: personal, emotional, physical, social, cognitive development
  • Preventive goals helps clients avoid some undesirable outcomes
  • Enhancement goals enhances special skills and abilities
  • Remedial goals assisting a clients to overcome and treat undesirable development
  • Exploratory goals is counsellor will try to help you explore or examine your options, testing your skills, abilities, and other facets
  • Reinforcement goals is helps clients recognize what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is fine
  • Cognitive goals is acquiring basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills
  • Physiological goals deals with functions, this involves acquiring basic understanding and habits for good health
  • Psychological goals is aids in developing good social interactions skills, learning emotional control, and developing positive self-concept
  • Insight is understanding of origins and development of emotional abilities/difficulties
  • Relating with other is becoming better able form and maintain meaningful and satisfying relationships with other people, developing and maintaining better relationships with other people
  • Self-awareness is becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings, and deeds
  • Self-acceptance accepting the self and avoiding denial
  • Enlightenment is understanding
  • Problem-solving is self-explanatory or may be used to help individuals navigate personal or interpersonal difficulties, manage stress, make important life decisions, or address specific issues affecting their well-being.
  • Psychological education enables the clients to acquire ideas and techniques in which to understand and control behavior
  • Acquisition of social skills is socialization
  • Cognitive change deals with irrational beliefs
  • Behavior change empower individuals to make positive and lasting changes in their lives, leading to improved well-being and personal growth.
  • Systemic change Empowerment is encouragement of clients
  • Restitution helps clients make amends to self-destructive behaviors
  • Generativity is inspiring in the person in desire capacity to care for others and pass the knowledge and contribute for collected good for political engagement