day 6

Cards (13)

  • 1960 Election:
    • John Kennedy (Dem.)
    • Richard Nixon (Rep.).
    participated in the 1st televised debates. Kennedy won
  • Kennedy's 2 Advantages: his appearance, most blacks voted for him.
  • Kennedy developed the" Flexible Response Policy“. He wanted the US to be able to fight any style of war (conventional/ nuclear)
  • Kennedy created the special forces in the military who were called the “Green Berets”
  • Kennedy believed in the Domino theory If a nation falls to communism others will too
    • most cubans were unhappy + left for the US (200,000) most settled in Miami, Florida
  • the bay of the pigs: when Kennedy first began, he was made aware of a plan that would take Cuban refugees and train them to overtake their country back
  • the ClA convinced Kennedy the plan would work so he agreed. the Bay of Pigs invasion began and it was a disaster. news of the invasion had leaked to Castro. His forces were prepared
  • Kennedy responded to Cuba by setting up a naval blockade to prevent more missiles from entering. The ships slowed down and eventually retreated.
  • Kennedy negotiated a deal with Khrushchev to remove missiles from Cuba but, the US had to remove our missiles from Turkey, and promise to never invade Cuba.
  • Berlin wall: separated east, and west Berlin for 28 years and became a symbol of communism. 5K people escaped East Berlin, and 200 people were killed.
  • Hot line: a phone line between the white house + the Kremlin
    Enabled the leaders to talk directly
  • Kennedy's goal for our space program was to land on the moon before the decade ended