First to refute the idea of 'spontaneousgeneration' with his maggotexperiment
Francisco Redi - Experiment
Placed rotting meat in six jars. Three were covered while three were not. Maggots appeared only in the open jars, suggesting maggotsdontspontaneously generate, but enter the meat from outside.
Louis Pasteur - 1862
Advanced Redi's meat experiment with his own 'brothexperiment'
Louis Pasteur - Experiment
Sterilized nutrient broth by heating and sealing the broth in several containers. No bacteria grew in the sealed containers, bacteria grew when the containers were opened, conclusively disproved spontaneous generation.
Cuvier - Geologist
Studied different layers of the earth
Found that different fossils were found in different layers
Lyell - Geographer + Geologist
Argued against, castrophism (a few major, sudden changesshaped the earth)
Believed in uniformitatiranism (slow changes that are still taking place shaped the earth gradually)
believedearth was millions of years old
Lamarck - Zoologist
First to suggest evolution occurs in some way
Proposed inheritance through "use or Disuse"
organisms would lose under-used traits or enhance useful traits
Believed in inheritance of "Acquired Traits"
Ex. The children of a person with strongmuscles will also have strongmuscles when they mature
Considered to be incorrect by modern genetics
Malthus - economist
Economist who said the human population is limited by its environment
Individuals will complete for limited resources
population cannot exceed the carrying capacity of its environment
Defined as the maximum number of organisms an environment can sustain
Naturalist for the HMS (her majesty's ship) The Beagle
Expedition of 1831-1839:
Studied many livingspecimens and fossils along the way
Did most important discoveries in Galapagos
Finches and Tortoises
Darwins Observations: Finches
Different Finches had...
differentbeaks + body size
Galapagosfinches were similar to SouthAmericanfinches
Different islands had...
different foodsources
different combination of finches
Charles Darwin
Darwin was eventually influenced by many other thinkers:
Gradualism and age of Earth
Populationscompete for resources
And others
Population of finchesemigrated from S.A. to the Galapagos
Finches spread to different islands
Each island had differentselective pressures
Different beaks were more advantageous for getting differentfoods
Spontaneous Generation
Since classical times, variouspeoples believed that livingthings'spawned'fully-formed from their environment
ex. mice generate from piles of rotting grain
ex. frogs generate from muck at the bottom of a pond