English (spelling)

Cards (61)

  • acknowledge- confirm that what you have received or grateful for something
  • alternative-available as another possibility
  • anecdote-short entertaining story about a real incident
  • appropriate-suitable or right in the circumstances
  • avert-turn away the eyes
  • candid-truthful and straightforward
  • compel-to force to do something
  • comply-to do what is requested or ordered
  • concise- create in the mind
  • drastic-having a strong far-reaching effect
  • erratic-not even or regular in pattern or movement;unpredictable
  • forfeit-lose or be deprived of
  • illuminate- make something visible or bright by shining light
  • isolate-cause to be or remain alone or apart from others
  • refuge-the state of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger
  • reminisce- indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events
  • urban- in relating to characteristic of a ton or city
  • acquiesce- to assent tacitly submit or comply silently or without protest agree consent
  • acquittal- the act of acquitting
  • ambidextrous- able to use both hands equally ell
  • authentic- not false or copied; genuine; real
  • blasphemous- uttering, containing or exhibiting blasphony
  • boutonniere- a flower or small bouquet orn, usually by a man in the buttonhole of a lapel
  • diurnal-of or relating to a day or each day;daily
  • drudgery-menial, distasteful, dull or hard work
  • eucalyptus-any of numerous often tall trees belonging to the genes of the myrtle family
  • fluorescent-possessing the property of strikingly bright vivid element
  • gelatinous- having the nature of or resembling jelly especially inconsistency;jellylike
  • gluttonous-tending to eat and drink excessively;
  • grandiloquent- speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being pompous
  • idiosyncrasy- a characteristic, habit, mannerism or the like that is peculiar to an individual
  • leguminous- pertaining to, of the nature of or bearing legumes
  • nauseate- to affect with nausea
  • paradoxical- seeming self contradictory yet true
  • obduracy- stubbornness or obstinacy
  • penitentiary- a place for imprisonment reformatory discipline or punishment
  • pharaoh- a title of an ancient Egyptian king
  • plebian- belonging or pertaining to common people
  • quandary- a state of perplexity or uncertainty especially as what to do
  • quixotic- extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary