Cards (151)

  • If a susceptible host harbors the parasite inside his body, the host is said to be infected
  • ectoparasites are parasites found outside the body of the host
  • host harboring ectoparasites is said to be infested
  • parasites found inside the body of the host are endoparasites
  • host harboring endoparasites is said to be infected
  • entamoeba histolytica is the causative agent of amoebiasis
  • All amoeba are considered non-pathogenic except Entamoeba histolytica
  • entamoeba dispar has the same morphologic characteristics as Entamoeba histolytica, differentiated by means of molecular testing or PCR
  • metronidazole is useful to treat amoebic infections
  • ivermectin is useful for strongyloides and filaria
  • albendazole is useful for common intestinal parasite
  • praziquantel is useful for trematode infections
  • chloroquinone is the mainstay drug for uncomplicated malara infections
  • the mode of transmission for malaria is vector-borne
  • education and information is the most effective approach in parasitic disease prevention
  • black water fever is a complication of malaria
  • a parasite is an organism that lives in or on and obtains its nourishment from another organism
  • parasitology is the study of parasites
  • host is a species of animal or plant that harbors a parasite providing environmental and nutritional requirements for the parasite to survive
  • disease is a process with characteristic symptoms
  • the triad of malaria symptoms is fever, chills, and sweating
  • an infection is a parasitic invasion inside the body
  • an infestation is a parasitic invasion outside or on the body
  • a vector is a living carrier (often an insect/arthropod) responsible for transporting parasites from infected to uninfected hosts
  • Biologic vector is when a part of parasite development happens in the vector and it will transmit the infective stage of the parasite
  • mechanical vector is when the contaminated objects with an infective stage of the parasite and the host accidentally comes into contact or ingested it
  • obligatory parasite cannot survive outside of a host
  • ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichiura, hokworm are examples of obligatory parasite
  • facultative parasite are capable of existing independently of a host
  • free-living parasites are found in the environment
  • parasitic parasites are found either inside/outside the body of the host
  • accidental or incidental hosts are hosts other than the normal one that is harboring a parasite
  • intermediate host is a host in which the larval asexual phase of parasite development occurs
  • definitive or final host is a host in which the adult sexual phase of parasite development occurs
  • humans are the final host of filaria, taenia solium, and taenia saginata
  • human is the intermediate host of malaria
  • mosquito is the intermediate host of filaria
  • pig is the intermediate of taenia solium
  • cattle is the intermediate host of taenia saginata
  • mosquito is the final host of malaria