
Cards (6)

  • too simplistic
    Learning theory is largely based on studies of non-human animals such as Skinner’s research with pigeons. However, whilst some aspects of human behaviour can be explaining by conditioning, not all behaviour can, especially a complex behaviour like attachment. Research suggests that the quality of attachment is associated with factors like developing reciprocity and good levels of interactional synchrony (Isabella et al., 1989). The best quality attachments are with sensitive carers who pick up on infant signals and respond appropriately.
  • reductionist
    The learning theory of attachment is studied on using animals which are known to have more simple attachment systems then humans, so to generalise a study done on animals to humans is oversimplifying how humans form attachments.
  • lacks external validity as learning theory is discredited through other studies 

    Lorenz’s geese imprinted before they were fed and maintained these attachments regardless of who fed them. Harlow’s monkeys attached to a soft surrogate in preference to a wire one that dispensed milk.
    Therefore, the learning theory overlooks other factors like time, comfort, sensitive responsiveness.
    learning theory lack external validity because other studies have disproved this theory by suggesting that there are other factors in forming an attachment.
  • contrasting research on humans
    Research with human infants also suggests that feeding does not appear to be an important factor in humans. For example, Schaffer and Emerson’s (1964) study found that 39% of infants developed a primary attachment to the person who did not feed them.
  • Learning theory may not provide a complete explanation of attachment, but it has some value. Infants do learn through association and reinforcement, but food may not be the main reinforcer. It may be that attention and responsiveness from a caregiver are important rewards that assist in the formation of attachment.
  • Many aspects of human development is affected by conditioning so it is an acceptable theory in some cases however the learning theory of attachment is solely based around feeding and pleasure from being fed, which is reducing the other factors into forming an attachment like contact comfort and reciprocity.