This term is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but it has been observed in all human group interactions.
POLITICS by B. Ponton and P. Gill
The way in which we understand and order our social affairs, and acquire greater control over the situation.
POLITICS by A.Tuibeo
The strategy for maintaining cooperation among people with different needs and ideals in life, or for resolving the conflict within the group, whether this is a family, a tribe, a village or a nation-state.
Political Science
A classical discipline that deals with the study of political phenomena. Its goal is to deepen human understanding of the forms and nature of political action and to develop theoretical tools for interpreting politically meaningful phenomena.
Political Science
It focuses on the theory and practice of government and politics at the local, state, national, and international levels.
Political Science
It deals with the systematic study of political structures, political processes and political behavior.
Traditional Approach
A combination of views on and orientations to politics in philosophical, ethical and institutional terms.
This approach firmly believes that values cannot be separated from the study of politics and political system. Therefore, its main concern is to judge what is good or bad in any political society.
As the name of this approach is related to history, it emphasizes on the study of history of every political reality to analyze any situation.
This approach is concerned with the study of formal structures and institutions like legislature, executive, judiciary, political parties, etc.
This approach is concerned with the legal process, legal bodies or institutions, justice and independence of judiciary.
Behavioral Approach
It mainly emphasizes on scientific, objective and value free study of political phenomenon.
Believes that there are certain uniformities in political behavior which can be expressed in generalizations or theories in order to explain and predict political phenomena.
Emphasizes testing and verifying everything. According to the behaviorists, what cannot be verified is not scientific.
Put emphasis on the use of those research tools and methods which generate valid, reliable and comparative data.
After collecting data, the researcher should measure and quantify those data.
Believes that to do objective research one has to be value free.
Research in Political Science must be systematic. Theory and research should go together.
Pure Science
Believes that the study of Political Science should be verified by evidence.
Political Science should not be separated from various other social sciences like history, sociology and economics, etc.
It has been defined as "the rules of the political system to solve conflicts between actors and adopt decision (legality)."
The word "________" came from the Latinverb "gubernare," or more originally from the Greekword "kubernaein," which means "tosteer."
The exercise of power or authority by political leaders for the well-being of their country's citizens or subjects.
It is the complex process whereby some sectors of the society wield power, and enact and promulgate public policies which directly affect human and institutional interactions, and economic and social development.
Good governance essentially requires participation of different sectors of the society. Participation means active involvement of all affected and interested parties in the decision-making process.
It requires an enabling environment wherein pertinent information is effectively disseminated and people could respond in an unconstrained and truthful manner.
It also means gender equality, recognizing the vital roles of both men and women in decision-making.
Rule of Law
It is through the law that people express their will and exercise their sovereignty. That the government is of law and not of men is an underlying democratic principle which puts no one, however rich and powerful, above the law.
Rule of Law
It demands that the people and the civil society render habitual obedience to the law. It also demands that the government acts within the limits of the powers and functions prescribed by the law. The absence of rule of law is anarchy.
Effectiveness and Efficiency
Good governance requires that the institutions, processes, and actors could deliver and meet the necessities of the society in a way that available resources are utilized well.
Effectiveness and Efficiency
Effectiveness (meeting the needs) and efficiency (proper utilization of resources) must necessarily go together to ensure the best possible results for the community.
An indicator of good governance, means that people are open to information regarding decision-making process and the implementation of the same.
It means that information on matters of public concern is made available to the citizens or those who will be directly affected.
It also means that transactions involving public interests must be fully disclosed and made accessible to the people. It is anchored on the democratic right to information and right to access of the same.
It means that institutions and processes serve all stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner.
The interests of all citizens must be well protected in a prompt and appropriate manner so that each of them can appreciate and take part in the process of governance.
Equity and Inclusiveness
It means that all the members of the society, especially the most vulnerable ones or the grassroots level, must be taken into consideration in policy-making.
Consensus Oriented
When decisions are made after taking into consideration the different viewpoints of the actors of the society.
It means answerability or responsibility for one's action.
It is based on the principle that every person or group is responsible for their actions most especially when their acts affect public interest.