Operant conditioning (Skinner's research)

    Cards (4)

    • What is positive reinforcement?
      Positive reinforcement is receiving a reward when a certain behaviour is performed. For example, praise from a teacher for answering a question in class.
    • What is negative reinforcement?
      Negative reinforcement occurs when something unpleasant is avoided and the outcome is positive. For example, when a student hands in their homework to avoid getting a detention, the avoidance of the detention is the negative reinforcement.
    • What is punishment?
      Punishment is an unpleasant consequence of behaviour, for example being shouted at by a teacher for talking during a lesson. (Avoiding this punishment would be negative reinforcement.)
    • The Skinner box
      Positive reinforcement - When the animal in the box pressed the lever, a food pellet was dispensed, causing the animal to repeat this action.
      Negative reinforcement - When the animal in the box pressed the lever, a small electrical shock was delivered, causing the animal to avoid pressing the lever again.