Two or more individuals connected by and within social relationships and sharing the same goals
Comes from the Greek word meaning "force"; concerned with the motions of bodies under the action of forces
Group of people assumed to be similar in some ways but different in one or more ways; share a common identity with each other
Group Dynamics
Founded by Kurt Lewin to study group decision, group productivity, group interaction, group cohesiveness, and group communication
Group of individuals displaying similarities in actions and outlook, eventually dissolved after an action/experience; members joined by common interest or shared actions
Dynamic and powerful beings with the power to influence individuals and communities
Varieties of Groups
Primary Groups
Social (Secondary) Groups
Social Capital
The degree to which individuals, groups, or larger aggregates of people are linked in social relationships that yield positive/productive benefits
Primary Groups
Small, intimate clusters of close associates influencing behavior, feelings, and judgments of their members face-to-face; transform individuals into social beings
Social (Secondary) Groups
Larger and more formally organized than primary groups; memberships tend to be shorter in duration and less emotionally involving