
Cards (13)

  • Section 11: Free Access to Court
  • Section 12: Right of person under custodial investigation
  • Section 13: The right to bail & against excessive Bail
  • Section 14: Rights of the accused
  • Section 15: writ of habeas corpus
  • Section 16: right to speedy disposition of cases
  • Section 17: right against self-incrimination
  • Section 18: right to political beliefs and aspirations
  • Section 19: the prohibition against cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment
  • Section 20: Non - imprisonment for debts
  • Section 21: right against double jeopardy
  • Section 22: ex post facto law and bill of attainder
  • A: Access
    C: custodial
    B: bail
    A: accused
    H: habeas
    D: disposition
    I: incrimination
    B: beliefs
    C: cruel
    D: debts
    J: jeopardy
    X: expost