Social and Economic

Cards (20)

  • PENINSULARES - Spaniards who are born in Spain.
  • INSULARES - Spaniards born in Spain who took important positions in the Spanish government in the Philippines.
  • MESTIZOS - Filipinos of mixed indigenous Filipino (Austronesian people/Malay/Malayo-Polynesian), or European or Chinese ancestry.
  • PRINCIPALIA - nobility class was the social and educated class in the towns of colonial Philippines composed of the Gobernadorcillo (Town Mayor), or the Cabeza de Barangay (Chief of the Barangay) who governed the districts and the awardees of the medal of Civil Merit.
  • INDIOS - INDIOS-person of pure austronesian (malay/malayo-polynesian) ancestry (natives)
  • TRIBUTE or TRIBUTO(1570-1884)
    -tax during the Spanish times.
    -one peso per year.
    -single person should pay one-half peso.
    -in cash , kind or goods.
    -8 reales later increased to 15 reales:10 reales tribute,1 real diezmos prediates(tithe),1 real for town community chest,1 real sanctorium tax,3 reales for church support.
  • ENCOMIENDA - given by the king to a Spanish conquiscator as a reward for his services.
    -money from the tribute upon a certain conquered territory.
  • ENCOMENDERO - The man who receive this favor.
  • ENCOMIENDAS - owner of the encomienda.
  • THE ROYAL ENCOMIENDAS - belonging to the king.
  • THE ECCLESIASTICAL ENCOMIENDAS - belonging to the church.
  • PRIVATE ENCOMIENDAS - belonging to the private individuals
  • Polo y servicios(forced labor)>16-60 years old men Filipinos forced to work for the government for 40 days.
  • Polistas - forced laborers.
  • Falla - a daily fine of 1 ½ real to be exempted.
  • Falta - absence
  • Galleon Trade - named after the sailing ship which sailed on a year from Manila to Acapulco, Mexico
    - main source of income for the colony during its early years.
  • Annual subsidy(situado)
    - subsidy  sent by the Mexican government to prevent the bankruptcy of the Philippines. This subsidy amounted to average of 250 pesos.
    -Financial aid
    -It ended on 1810 after the Mexican evolution.
  • Royal society of friends of the Philippines(Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pias)-1781 founded by governor general  Jose de Basco y Vargas
    • Composed of leading men in business, industry and profession, the society was tasked to explore and exploit the island's natural bounties.
  • Royal company of the Philippines
    -March 10, 1785, King Charles III created it with a 25 year charter.
    -took advantage of the trade and shipping industries.
    -that gradually resulted into the death of both institutions: The Royal Philippine Company in 1814 and the Galleon trade in 1815.