Brownian movement - suspended particles of a colloidal solution are observed to be in continuous, rapidvibratorymotion
Electrical charges - colloidal particles are electrically charged, the charged being distributed over the surface of the entire particle
Surface tension - molecules in the interior of a homogenous liquid are attached in alldirections by surrounding molecules so they can move freely in all direction
While surface molecules are attracted more towards the the center of the liquid making the surface molecules more compact.
The force by which the surface molecule are held is called the surface tension
Osmosis - whenever a semi-permeable membrane separates two solutions of unequal concentrations, the fluid tends to flow from the side of low osmotic pressure to that of higher osmotic pressure until an osmotic equilibrium is established
Hypertonic cell tends to shrink
Hypotonic cell tends to swell
Diffusion - interpenetration of molecules between two substances occurs whenever the solute distributes itselfuniformly into the solvent
Smallmolecules and ions move faster than macromolecules
The rateofdiffusion of substances is dependent on the molecular size, weight, shape and the concentration gradient
Dialysis - when a semi-permeable membrane allows the passage of the crystalloids but not the colloids
The rateofdialysis depends on the size of the pores, temperature, electrical charge, area of dialyzer, and the relative concentration on the two sides of the membrane