Yeast for baking to expand the size of the bread or soften the bread (Saccharomycescerevisiae)
Fermentation of alcoholic drinks
General properties of fungi
Neutral or Acidic environment
Nucleated organisms
Obligate aerobes
Facultative anaerobes
Decomposition by fungi
Decomposers/Commensal maintain ecosystem equilibrium in the environment
Mycotoxicosis is caused by toxins produced by fungi, such as "Aflatoxin" produced by aspergillus spp.
Types of Hyphae
Antler Hyphae - Swollen
Racquet Hyphae - Club-like
Spiral Hyphae - Coiled hyphae
Rhizoids - Branching structure
Cellular separation
Septated hyphae - presence of septa/septum separating the nucleus
Coenocytic hyphae (non-septated) - absence of septum separating the nucleus
pasty/mucoid form
Grow at high temperature (37 C)
Subject to incubation to grow
Cross walls
Types of fungi
Single cell fungus - Yeast
Multinucleated fungus - Molds/Moulds
Monomorphic - either Yeast or Molds
Dimorphic - Yeast/Molds
Pigment responsible for the color/pigmentation of the hyphae
Asexual spores
Blastospores - budding
Chlamydospores - rounding form/enlargement within the hyphal segment
filamentous type
Jawetz or Mahon’s (Room temperature: 22-25 C)
Henry’s (Room temperature: 25-30 C)
filamentous mass of hyphae
Types of Mycelia
Aerialmycelia - found in the surface of the agar responsible for reproduction
Vegetativemycelia - found below the agar responsible for absorption of nutrients
Sexual spores
Presence of nuclear fusion and undergo meiosis
Also known as conjugationfungi
About 600 species
Terrestrial saprophytes
Multinucleated mycelium lacking cross walls
Asexual spore: sporangiospore
Sexual spore: zygospore
Reproduction of Arthrospore
Fragmentation of the septated hyphae
Also known as "fungiimperfecti"
Most pathogenic fungi
With septate hyphae
Asexual: Conidia
No mode of sexual reproduction
Causative agent of mycoses (fungi-causing disease)
Basidium supports basidia/basidiospore, a unique feature of basidiospore
Sexual Spores involve nuclear fusion and undergo meiosis (exchange of genetic information)
Enclosed in a sac
Special structure: Sporangiophore connected to hyphae that supports sporangia
Filamentous type of fungi
Long filaments of cells joined together
Can grow as hyphae or mycelium
Colony Morphology: fluffy, cotton, wooly, or powdery colonies
Grows at room temperature
Barrel shaped
Fragmentation of septated hyphae
Nutritional Growth Characteristics
Acidic environment
Obligate aerobic
Some are facultative anaerobes
Resistant to osmotic pressure
High carbohydrate content
Metabolize complex carbohydrates
High salt concentration
Less nitrogen
Also known as sacfungi
Largest group of fungi
Hyphae or mycelium with perforated cross walls with one or more nuclei
Sexual: Ascospores
Asexual: Conidiospore
Not enclosed in a sac
Special structure: Conidiophore supports the conidia
Sexual Spores
Zygospore within a thick-walled hypha
Ascospores septated within segment
Basidiospores from Basidium (mushroom)
Also known as clubfungi
Mycelium with cross walls
Sexual: Basidiospore - fusion with conidia
Asexual: Conidiospore
Medically important phyla of Kingdom Fungi
Phylum Zygomycota
Phylum Ascomycota
Phylum Basidiomycota
Phylum Deuteromycota
Mucoid form of fungi
Non-filamentous, unicellular fungi
Spherical or oval shape
Colony Morphology: moist, cream, opaque, or pasty on media
Grows at 37 degrees Celsius
Marginal utility
The additional utility (satisfaction) gained from the consumption of an additional product. Total utility is the sum of marginal utilities for each unit consumed
Summary of Fungal Phyla
Zygomycota: Conjugation fungi
Ascomycota: Sac fungi
Basidiomycota: Club fungi
Deuteromycota: Fungi imperfecti
Stains used in Mycology
KOH: Dissolves keratin, makes fungal elements more visible
CALCOFLUORWHITE: Fluorescent stain for tissues, sputum, body fluids, skin, and corneal scrapings
LACTOPHENOLCOTTONBLUE: Preserves and stains fungal culture
GRAMSTAIN: Yeast and fungi stain gram-positive
ACID FAST: Nocardia is partially acid-fast
INDIAINK: Detects Cryptococcus neoformans with halo formation