Cards (26)

  • brain receives and prosses of all information from all the parts of the body.
  • brain control entire organ body system of the body
  • cerebrum -largest part of the brain that control your thoughts,senses,memories,thinking ,emotions,imagination
  • brainstem or medulla oblongata- that connects the brain to the spinal cord
  • cerebellum below in the cerebrum,that controls balance motion and body coordination and also the learning and aquiring new things
  • spinal cord is connected to the brain and is about the diameter of human finger
  • it is protected by a bony vertebral column and surrounded by a clear fluid called cerebrospinal fluid that acts as cushion against trauma and damage
  • ascending tract -carry sensory of information from the body towards the brain such as touch,skin temperature,pain and others
  • descending tract- carry information from the brainn downwards to initiate movement and control body functions
  • peripheral nervous system- carries impulses from the sensory nerves to the CNS and from the CNS to the motor nerves
  • somatic -regulates all the activities that are under concious control
  • autonomic- regulates all activities that are involuntary or done without concious ill
  • sympathetic- " fight or flight response' controls the internal functions of the body in times of stress
  • parasympathetic- "rest and digest" controls the internal functions at rest;slows down the heart beat and increase the intestinal and gland activities
  • sensory - carry impulses from the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord
  • motor- carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the impulses
  • associative neurons- located in CNS,analyze and interpret the data or impulses
  • neuron- are responsible in sending electrical signals into and away from the brain that direct all the body activity including thinking,breathing,moving and etc.
  • dentrite- root -like structure that carry electrical signals towards the cell body
  • A nerve cell may have as many as 200 dentrites and single dentrite can be over one meter long
  • axons- carry the electrical signals away from the cell body; it facilities the delivery of electrical impulses and supply nutrients to the entire cell
  • myelin sheath- protective covering that surrounds the axon
  • never ending - connects one neuron to another
  • synapse- it is a gap
  • neurotransmitter- chemical messenger that carries signal across synapses
  • spinal cord -connects the brain and the body